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Hey guys its author-chan how are you doing ?? Well heres another SasuNaru story for you guys hope you like it, now onto the story !!

Naruto pov

Im sitting in a tree with my eyes close. I have one leg dangling off of the tree while the other is up on it, and my hands are intertwine laying on my stomach. ' Its nice and quiet so peaceful, I love it ' I smile softly to my self thinking that nothing can ruin this moment.

" Narutooooo !! " I wince as I hear Sakura's voice pierce my ears. I look down to see her standing below me " yes Sakura-chan ?? " " Kakashi-sensei is here hurry up will you ?!?! " I wince at her voice again before saying " ok "

I jump down and put my hands behind my head as I walk up to my team. " Ok guys, today we're going to be sparing. Sakura you're with me, Sasuke, Naruto dont end up at the hospital again "

I feel my self tense up a little then I point an accusing finger to Kakashi " Kakashi-sensei you always choses Sakura-chan because you get to read your book faster " he just gives us his close eyed smile and starts walking off making me pout.

" What ?? You scared to lose to me again Dobe ?? " I look over at Sasuke to see him smirking at me. " Tch, as if Teme. Im not gonna lose my stomach just hurts a bit is all " and thats the truth. The villagers came and attacked me when I finally managed to get 5 minutes of sleep last night.

" Oh suck it up Naruto you're making that up just to not admit that you're scarred of Sasuke-kun " I look over at Sakura-chan for a second but keep quiet. After a few minutes of walking we finally arrive to training ground 7.

" Alrighty then you guys know where to go " Kakashi-sensei and Sakura-chan walk off to their usual spot, same as Sasuke and me.

Once we get there we get into our battle stance for a couple of seconds before we launch at eachother. Sasuke starts off with a left hook and I manage to block it. I throw a punch with my right hand and hit him square in the jaw which makes me smirk and Sasuke to glare at me. " First hit, Naruto " I yell. He starts running towards me, I turn around and kick but he blocks it, only to elbow my knee down. I grunt but continue, we run at eacherother again and I shout out " shadow clone justsu !! " I make 5 more of me and we surrond him. Me and my clones throw punches and kicks left and right but he manages to kill them. He starts running at me again and he lands a punch on my face making me stumbble back a bit. I wipe my lip and then we start running towards eachother again we get ready to punch at the same time when I suddenly feel my stomach hurt real bad. I widen my eyes and yell out to Sasuke " wait Sasuke !! " but its to late.

Sasuke hits me in the stomach real hard and I yell out in pain. I grab onto him and I start panting while grunting in pain " Naruto ?? " he moves his hand to hold onto my lower back and he gently pulls me closer. We slowly fall to our knees and he calls out for Kakashi-sensei. When he comes over with Sakura-chan im laying on the ground curled up into a ball yelling out in pain.

" Naruto what's wrong ?? " Kakashi-sensei ask worriedly " I bet hes just faking it because he knew he stood no chance against Sasuke-kun " I grunt as I feel cold sweat run down my forehead.

" I dont think hes faking it, right before I hit him he looked like he was in alot of pain outta no where and he even told me to stop but it was to late, even when he's in pain he dosent tell me to stop so, it has to be somthing serious " I feel Kurama take over my body and he starts speaking " he's not faking it, his liver is torn open. Its to big for me to heal, you have to take him to the hospital Kakashi~ " Kakashi-sensei nods and lifts me up carefully as we start running to the hospital " Sakura you go get lady Tsunade " " hai !! " ' no, not the hospital ' ' you have to kit I can't heal you on time, you could die ok ?? ' ' ok, I just hope that they wont be there ' ' I know kit, I know '

Hey guys its author-chan hope you enjoyed I'll be updating whenever I can so stay tuned !! Love y'all ❤

799 words

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