"Do you want to do it now????..." Tzuyu asked her... "Uhmmm, if you're still not ready, we can do it the other day. No pressure Love...."

"No, I-I want to do it not... We've been waiting for this for how many days and now that the embryos are successfully fertilise I don't want to waste this chance.."

"Are you sure?.."

Sana genuinely smile at her... "Yes, Tzuyu I'm ready...."


After 2 minutes Doctor Park went back to the room ...

"So, Did you guys already decided???.." She immediately asked.

"Yes, My wife wants to do it now.." Tzuyu said still holding Sana's hand..

"Okay 😊 You can go inside the room while doing the process, so that your wife can ease her nervousness... And by the way, after the procedure, she can't go home first, she need to stayed here for one day, we still need to check her after the implants, but don't tomorrow evening she can now go home..."

"We understand..." Tzuyu said...

"Don't worry, since you are VIP client we will let you use the VIP room tonight...."


"So, Let's now begin... Follow me 😊.."


The embryos implant with Sana take almost 3 hours after they successfully transferred the embryos at her uterus and after that she now transferred into her room ....

6:30 PM Sana was still sleeping, when suddenly Tzuyu received a sudden call from her Mom..

Is Calling You

Mrs.Chou: Tzuyu~ah...

C.Tzuyu: Mom...

Mrs.Chou: Tzuyu, what do you mean by your message????

Tzuyu: Sana already undergone in implant embryo ...

Mrs.Chou: So the first stage went successful???

Tzuyu: Yes, Mom...

Mrs.Chou: That's good to hear ...

Mrs.Chou: So, how's your wife now???

Tzuyu: She's sleeping again, but she already awake earlier.

Mrs.Chou: Maybe she's tired... But how's the implant??? Is it successful???

Tzuyu: Yes Mom...

Mrs.Chou: That's good to hear Tzuyu, by the way did you already inform her parents about this??

Tzuyu: Yes, Mom I already talked to them after Sana transferred in her room.

Tzuyu: They are also happy and excited, they are also expecting for a good news after 2 weeks...

Mrs.Chou: Really???

Mrs.Chou: We are excited too, I'll gonna tell this to your dad later... He's still in the meeting...

Tzuyu: Arasso ...

Mrs.Chou: Next week, we will go to Japan because we have a business meeting their. We will also visit Sana's parents ..

Tzuyu: Really??? That's good to hear...

Tzuyu: Take care Mom...

Mrs.Chou: You two Tzuyu, take care of your wife too.

Tzuyu: Arasso 😊


After Tzuyu had a phone call with her Mom Sana exactly woke up ...


"Tzuyu~ah..." Sana seated and lean her back in the headboard...

"How's your feeling???..

"I'm hungry .." Sana pout and it made Tzuyu smile...

"I was expecting that 😅..." Tzuyu walks through the table and get the food she ordered earlier .... "Here, I ordered just now..."

"Whoahhh 😍 komawo..."

"Starting from now on, you will now eat healthy foods. I'll gonna cook more vegetables for you ..."

"Okay 😊😊.."

"You seems happy eh???..."

"I don't but, I feel like I already carrying our baby now even though there's still no results... "

"Aigoo..." Tzuyu messed her hair... "You're too excited Mommy..." Tzuyu smile at her and kissed her cheeks...


Good night Sapphires ‼️🙋

FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE - SATZU [BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now