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😉{Sorry! I know you all wanted something funny but I was unable to get good ideas. I will try better next time.}😉

😉Sharpening the pencil after writing a word has always been a remarkable habit,
Another one is giving out 'aww' sounds and then running after rabbits.😉

😉Buying a new geometry box and keeping it beautiful and clean,
When teacher wasn't looking, we,in the back of our notebooks tried doddling.😉

😉We used to think about aliens and spaceships whole night,
And just studied about a simple circle but now it's PI , TSA , LSA. Right?😉

😉We were taught that maths includes 1,2,3...
But now, in maths, we are forced to find the values of a,b,c. 😉

😉Why do we have to find the circumferences and areas,
I always get confused when and where to use which formula.😉

😉Whenever I look towards the heavy maths book, I feel like sleeping whole day,
When I try to solve chemistry equations all the formulas escape from my head finding a secret passageway.😉

😉But when I solve a question or an equation,
I feel like I ruled the World and I'm great,
We all are aware of the importance of studies but we aren't ready for a confession,
Rather believe yourself than the invisible faith. 😉

😉Don't care about success because there is hardly a person who never failed,
Just take every step carefully and also stop believing in faith.😉

                               - Mehak 😉

{Another short poem!}

                      2 Kids

👨‍👦2 little kids walking on an empty road,
One of them proposed the idea of jumping like a toad.👨‍👦

👨‍👦They started jumping like a frog and made 'Ribbit' sounds,
When suddenly thunder roared, rain poured and they started moving round and round.👨‍👦

👨‍👦"Let's dance!" The younger one said,
The elder one thought and stopped dead in track.👨‍👦

👨‍👦"What are you saying? In the middle of the road?" The elder one complained,
"Yes, we are kids so no one would care!" The younger one roared and started dancing in the

👨‍👦The elder one stepped aside and watched his younger brother having fun and dance,
He thought that he is a grown up and just because of pride, ego and attitude he let go of happiness and a golden chance👨‍👦

                              - Mehak 👨‍👦

👨‍👦{Hope you understand what I meant by this poem. Thanks for the support!} 👨‍👦

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