Intruding Intruders

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It was Saturday but I woke up as if it was a weekday. The plan was to go early, finish the work, and come back early. Being a holiday, the office would be deserted and so, I didn't bother to dress up formally. Usually, I would be in my formals. Today, I decided to try my black jeans and a white crop top. I paired it with my white sneakers and pulled my hair up for a top knot messy bun. I reached the office which was indeed deserted. There was no one but the security guard.

Immersing myself in work, I easily and quickly finished the pending tasks. As promised, Mr. Grumpy had explained the details about Tamaka Construction. I completed the work and stretched my body. The work finished way before I anticipated. I was planning to leave and just then, I heard some noise from outside. Curious, I walked outside my cabin and realized that the sound was coming from inside Alex's office. No one works on a Saturday and so I cautiously and quietly pushed the door open.

The filing cabinets were open and I could see some files being pulled out. 'Oh my God! It's an intruder! Someone is trying to steal something!' My heart was in my mouth. What should I do? 'Lock the door and call the guards!' What if the intruder has a weapon? Before I could do anything, I heard a bang from the Chamber.

Fuck! The high-security documents and important agreements that Ethan told me about are all in the Chamber. I slowly picked up a vase from the table and walked towards the Chamber. My mind was screaming and advising me to run but I just can't abandon my company at this time, can I?

I tried looking into the room through the keyhole. I could hardly see anything. Something moved somewhere and a shadow fell on the floor. There was someone doing something. I saw a glimpse. The man was dressed in a black full sleeve turtleneck and black pants. That's how intruders dress up, don't they? Then, it all went quiet. I waited for a good five minutes. Then I took a deep breath in and slowly pushed the door. I walked inside holding and raising the vase with both my hands. There was no one inside. Did I imagine it?

'No! I did hear some noise, didn't I? I did see a black & black dressed guy, didn't I? And even if I imagined all this, the filing cabinets were all open indicating someone was surely here.'

"Be careful!" I heard a voice behind me and I swung the vase. The person ducked, narrowly missing the hit. He leaped onto me and we both fell on the floor with a thud. I closed my eyes anticipating the impact but the intruder held my back with his hand softening the fall. The vase rolled off my hands. My eyes were closed as the heavyweight pinned my body down. I thrashed my arms and legs and as I screamed, a hand cupped my mouth shut. I kicked and scratched. I could hear the intruder say something to me. After a few seconds, the weight suddenly lifted and I could breathe again. I opened my eyes and tried to scramble to the corner only to find a bewildered Mr. Grumpy staring at me.

"Wha- You?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

We both fired questions at the same time. I was struggling to breathe and he was panting too.

"I thought –intruder – filing cabinets open -and so – and so -" I was breathing hard. He looked furious.

"WHAT THE FUCK! Do you really think you could subdue an intruder with that puny vase?" He was livid. I shrunk a bit. I've seen him angry but given the fact that I was trying to do the good thing, my eyes stung. I blinked hard to stop the dam from breaking.

"Jesus! How could you be so naïve?" He turned his back and ran his fingers through his hair. I couldn't stop my tears and a sob escaped me. Within the next second, he kneeled near me.

"Amy! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." He rubbed my cheeks gently. He took out his handkerchief and mopped my tear-stricken face. He then gave it to me as I tried to stop my running nose. He helped me to stand up but I wobbled. He picked me up bridal style and gently placed me on the chair. I realized; I have managed to embarrass myself again. He went outside to the office room and after some time when he came back, he had an amber liquid in the glass.

"Here, have this. This is Brandy and would help you." He pushed the liquid towards me. I took the glass but my hands shivered, threatening the liquid to spill over. He cupped my hands and the tremors ran down my spine. As I took a gulp, the bitter liquid burned my throat and the path it traveled. I could feel a warm pool in my tummy.

"To be frank, even I thought someone unauthorized has entered." He looked at me as he took a sip from a similar-looking liquid. "But next time, do me a favor and call the security." I nodded as I absently took another sip.

"Are you hurt?" he looked worried.

"I guess I'm just shaken" I mumbled. Since the floor was carpeted, the fall impact was low. I was however dazed. God knows what was I thinking? If it was a real intruder, I would have been dead.

"Oh my god! You are hurt!" I exclaimed as I noticed scratch marks from my fingernail on his left cheek. 'Shit!'

"Don't worry! This isn't the first time that I have been scratched by a passionate woman. Though this is surely the first time under such circumstances" He smirked with a twinkle in his eyes. As the meaning hit home, I felt myself go red. 'Do men only think about this?' I kept my eyes down. No comment should be a good comment here.

"So, what are you doing here on a Saturday?" He enquired.

"I had some pending work. I thought I'll finish it off. In fact, I finished it already and was planning to leave when I heard some sound"

"And you decided to investigate?" He smirked.

"Wouldn't you?" I challenged. This was getting on my nerves now.

He looked at me for a long second and just shook his head. He bent down towards me and cupped my face, his thumb rubbed my cheek creating warm waves "Just know that sometimes it's okay to take a step back. If there was indeed someone who took all the risk to break into a secure workplace, I'm sure they'd be armed and wouldn't hesitate to kill you" His voice choked. He lingered for a second too long and then he cleared his throat. "Anyway, come and I'll drop you at your apartment."

I was glad for the lift. Even though the impact was low, I had some pain in my body. I winced as I got up and immediately, Alex was by my side. I was a little unsteady but was fine soon. "You can use the washroom if you want to."

I went to the bathroom in the Chamber itself. It was quite big and had a shower too. I looked at myself in the mirror. My messy bun was truly messy. All the strands were falling on my face. I freed my hair from the bun and let them loose. Since my bag was in my cabin, I couldn't comb them properly. I simply used my fingers. My lipstick was smudged which happened, I guess, when he cupped my mouth. I took a tissue and wiped it all away. I came out and found him waiting for me outside.

"Once I drop you at your apartment, take rest. You can take an off on Monday. Anyways, you've finished the work assigned to you." I couldn't believe he could be so considerate. I thanked him as I got down from the car.

I called Chris and excused myself from joining them today at the Purple Lounge. I didn't spill the whole truth, just that I fell and hurt myself. She was very sweet. I should call Brian as well. He would be expecting me today. I reached home, had a quick hot bath, popped a pain pill, and slept like a log.

So much for working hard!

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