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Sonic is a good boy who go to sonic brand college. He play baskeetbal and got skolarship for sonic school. He life was epic. He had no boyFriend since they broken up or parents sunce the accident. He hav good friend Tails. Tal would bring sonic good time and give sonic the gift of Christmas. Sonic was happy like a ostrich when it finds out it gett aborishion.

Sonic was homless as babey child but found peace and hapyness tru baskeyball like when Stanley Yelnats find steaky shoe in the critically acclaimed hit movie holes (2003 PG). sonic fed his family by singing chrismas carels in June. sonic gets all the bishes, but no bitch can fill the gapping whole in heart like baggatball can. donut woru sonic practosu sage sex 😼👍.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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