Chapter Twenty Three: Lockwood Park

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"So, Lockwood's Park.. You own a park?" I nudged him as we walked down the pathway.

"Nah.. This park just use my family name. I don't own this park.. I just know the owner well."

"The owner named this park with your family name.. I get it, now."

"Of course, your brain is much slower than mine.." he jeered at me as I rolled my eyes. "We're here."

I looked up the building and saw "Park Management" writing. Noir went inside, leaving me behind and I skipped promptly to him, terrified I'll be lost in this park. Yes, I am a bit blind of finding paths or ways. I will never succeed to be a tour leader.

"Noir! How are you?" A voice called our attention and I saw a confident woman, shaking Noir's hand. "Ooh. And who is this?" She asked him about me.

"Charlotte." I shook her hand. It was cold, a sign of having too much time in an AC room.

"Hello, welcome to Lockwood's Park. You must be wondering about how did it got its name, haven't you?"

"Well, no. About that, Noir had told me the legend about it," I chuckled nervously.

"Oh, well then. Follow me, please.." She gestured to us to follow her. We left the lobby promptly and arrived in a hall half-full of people. I was really getting nervous when we entered.

"May you enjoy your day," the woman said to us, closing the door behind her.

"Where are we and what are we doing here?" I hissed to Noir, grabbing his arm as he wanted to go. "Don't you dare bring me to a place where I don't even know."

"This is just a simple party of the opening of this park.."

"So? What are we doing here? I am supposed to be resting."

"We are gonna have fun," he smirked to me.

"Why did I trust him? Dammit, Char.."

He lead me to a table for two and let me to sit. Then, he signaled me to wait there. I was cursing myself to trusted him while turning on my phone that had been off. When I checked my inbox, there were 3 messages.

Char, r u ok? We r really worry about u!!

Hey, girl! We saw u fainting last night! We almost called the medic. Last night was fucking crazy..

I answered both of them with a smiley face and said I'm okay.

The third message was just from my mom, who probably didn't know anything.
Charlotte, it's mom. How's life there? I miss you, darling.. Little Carla misses you too and also your dad. When are you coming home? Home doesn't feel right without you..
Love, mom.

Of course I miss them all too, especially mom and lil' Carla. Oh yeah. I have a little sister namely Carla Serenity Quentin. She's still 10, but super-duper-hyperactive, and she's grade 4.

I answered her, "I miss you, Carla and dad too.. I don't know when am I going back, but I am still living with Rose. So, I'm gonna try to ask for off-days, later, maybe. Love you all.."

"Homesick?" A voice asked me and I faced up from my phone.

"Did I write the message, mumbling? No way, or yes?"

Noir had came back and took a seat, right in front of me. "Me too."

"You still go home on holidays?"

"Nah, plane tickets are expensive.." He pushed a plate to me, full of biscuits. "Here. Just some snacks.."

"Where do you get these from?" I asked him while munching a piece of it.

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