Chapter Thirteen: The new member (Part 1)

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Max and I went outside the elevator and travelled the floor. We started to decide on what to eat.

"How about burger?" I offered him a choice as we walked.

"Burger? Alright.. Burger King?" I shook my head. "Carl's Junior?" I promptly nodded.

We agreed at the choice he made and went there. We entered and ordered the burger. I ordered a cheese burger while Max ordered the normal one. Carl's Junior is my favorite place for a burger.

We sat after we got our orders. I had finished half of my burger when I saw familiar faces, entering the restaurant.

"Isn't that Daniel? With his girlfriend.. That means, he's here! Hide!!" A voice, which belongs to me, warned me.

"Char? What's wrong?" Max asked me as he saw my face turned panic.

"Nothing.. It's fine, Max.. I just feel stunned. I never taste this flavour before.." I lied. He gave me an unsure shrug and I plastered my best smile. I continued my burger when disaster came.

"Hello, Char-lo-tte! I miss you like a lot!!" Noir cheerfully hugged me from behind. My, I was shocked alright..

"Let me go!"

"Music starts! Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!" He sang playfully as he let me go.

"Ugh.. I just hate you, Noir."

"Aw.. I love you too, Char."

"You're quite deaf, aren't you?" I tested him.

"No. Why? Are you deaf, also, Char?" He spoke with a playful voice. "Because, you don't know that I love you!!"

Shit. Just great.

"Shoo! Get away! Go back to your friends!" I shooed him, but apparently, he had glued his feet to the ground that he didn't go away.

"Anyway, who are you?" Noir pointed to Max.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Max, Charlotte's friend."

"Oh.. Are you dating her?" Noir asked him.

"Noir! Of course not! He's only my-"

"We're close friends. And anyway, I have a girlfriend, already.."

"I know it! Charlotte belongs to me! And only me!" Noir said out loud.

"I'm out of here!"

I raced for the door and went out, leaving Max and Noir. They chased me until the basement.

"What?" I asked Noir, rolling my eyes.

"Why is he following you?" He asked me about Max, of course.

"Well, he went here with me, alright.."

"You're dating??!!?"

"No, we're not. We happened to be working in the same mansion and I asked him to come with me.."

"Oh.. Sorry, for the freak-outs.. I'm jealous, you know.." he winced.

"Shut up and fuck off, Lockwood!"

He quickly went to the elevator and I saw him waving to me. I waved at him and started the car. Max and I got in then, we went home.

Next morning...

I woke up as my alarm clock rang so loud, right beside me. I stood effortlessly and walked to the bathroom. I showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed with my school uniform. I noticed my car keys were gone. Well, what could I do? I went to the kitchen and saw Azalea with Deanna, looking at the menu.

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