Chapter Twenty One: Fainted!

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So, as I was saying, wow was the first word that came into my mind? Apparently no. Damn was the first word. Noir was actually shouting to his friends as we swerved to the parking lot nearby. He shouted to them, pointing to me and I was chickening out.

"Damn you, Chocolate!" I cursed him as I ducked.

"What did I do?"


We parked and I almost ran away when a crowd of girls came to Noir's Porsche.

"Noir!!" "Wow, you look gorgeous!!" "I love you!!" "Can I have your telephone number??!!" "Aww.. You look so cute!!"

Those questions buried me, and also Noir. He looked like he was disgusted with those girls. I was getting a huge lump on my throat when the girls pushed me through. They were using way too much perfume, and make-ups..

"Hey! Get away!! Girl like you don't belong here, ugly!" A girl pushed me as I fell to the grass. I just got up, brushed the soil from my skirt and went away, like she told me to. I was already disgusted with their smells and all but their attitude were the worst.

"Don't runaway, Charlie.. Cuz I am here for you.." Noir hugged me from behind and whispered in my ears, quietly.

My heart-beat paced as I struggled him. I actually like being hugged like that, but not in public. He stood there, hugging me while the girls behind him whispered and argued with each other about it.

"Noir..." I started.

"Oh, come on, Char.. I know you want it.."

"No, I don't.."

"I have known you better than any of your friends.. I know that you need-"

"A drink. That's all I need."

I pushed him and I went to the party. I knew that I don't actually want a drink, but it's better than losing my consciousness over him.

A moment later, I found myself in the middle of the event, seeking for a drink. I saw Haley and Jessie at the stairs, sitting with Josh and Louis also.

"Hey, guys.." I said, weakly. I was not interested on any part of this party. "Having fun?"

"Yeah! I am actually waiting for the games!!" Haley squealed. I spotted a drink in her hand.

"What's that?" I pointed to it as the others followed the direction of my index finger.

"It's Bourbon," Josh said. "Haley's been dying to try them.."

"Yeah.. And Jessie looks so great tonight.." Louis added with another "Bourbon" in his hand.

"Is it just me or they are all drunk? I can show it from their attitudes.." I thought as I waved to them goodbyes. I needed to rest myself for awhile.

I went to the bartender nearby. I was surprised that Daniel has this great bartender, a big house also with a huge backyard. Geez, how rich is he?

"Hey, haven't I met you before?" A voice called me and I turned to it. It was no one. Maybe I was daydreaming or over thinking. Or not? I don't know much students from LVHS, so maybe many people also don't know me too.

"Hey!" A pair of hands grabbed my shoulder and I promptly turned, preparing for a fight. Suddenly, I recognized that it was the Campus Playboy.

"Oh, hey! Aaron, right?" I greeted him with a wave of my hand. "The Campus Playboy?"

"That's me!"

"What's up?" It is not normal this level of 'guy' go to me and greet me.

"Nah.. I just dump my girlfriend right there!" He pointed to a purple sofa half-full with girls. One of them was crying and the others were trying to calm her down, or giving me icy looks.

"Um.. That's why they are looking at me?"

"Yeah.. Sorta."

"Okay.. That's weird.."

"Miss, what can I have for you?" The bar guy asked me suddenly.

"Oh, just give me the list of beers you've got? I don't know.. Just tell me the ones for begginers."

"Well, there's water only.."

"Great. I'll take that one!"

"How about you, Sir?"

"Vermouth will do." Aaron decided. "Vodka will be better."

"Sure thing.."

Minutes later, the bar guy went back to us with two similar glasses, different kind of drink. I sipped my water and Aaron talked to me, leaving his glass full.

"Is that nice?" I asked him.

"Yeah.. You wanna try?"

"No thanks.."

"Hey, Charlotte!" A hand landed on my shoulder. I turned back and found Noir.

"Hi, Noir.."

"You wanna dance?" He offered me his hand as I shook my head side to side. "It'll be fine!" He took my hand and we went to the dance floor, leaving Aaron alone. Seconds later, he was already busy talking with another girl.

"Noir, you know I can't dance properly in public.." I frowned to him as he smiled.

"It's fine. No one will see you. I'll cover you if someone does."

"Oh, come on.. Just lemme finish my drink and go home or we can go somewhere else." I pushed through the crowd with him tailing me.

I went to the table before and found 2 similar glasses. With the same amount and color. I took a bet for my water and gulped it down until finish. It tasted different and I realized that I drank a kind of beer. Vodka to be exact. Suddenly, my vision went blur, the sounds around me became decreasing and bam! Black out.

Marshies!!! Update's here!! Be happy!! Smile! Okay.. I was getting stressed out.

Anyway, Merry Christmas!!! Wish you ALL have a memorable holiday!! :)

Pwease, pwease, pwease follow me @LightBlueCandypop, vote and comment on my stories too.. Thanks to all of you who have done it!

Hugs from LightBlueCandypop

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