The girls had brunch and gisted the whole afternoon. When it was seven they started preparing for the party. By the time they were done, a car was sent to picked them up. They arrived the club around 10PM.

The club was located in Maitama for the high class. It was where all the big boys went to. All those northern rich kids were always there ready to spend their father's money. The girls were looking all pretty. Someone led them to the VIP section where Uriel supposed  suitor and his friends were.

As soon as they entered the VIP Uriel walked up to a guy and gave him a tight hug.

"Hey baby " The guy said giving her a peck on the cheek. "You look amazing "

"Thanks " Uriel smiled. She introduced her friends and they all exchanged pleasantries.

"This is my friend who we are all here to celebrate with " Tony put his arm over the shoulder of a guy he introduced as Mustapha.

"Hey ladies, let's have fun!" He shouted over the music.

Soon they were all having fun, enjoying the party. Uriel was occupied with Tony.   She sat on his leg and they were talking.  She was obviously into Tony and her friends could see it. Funmilayo, Ene and Daniella stood up to dance while Salihat sat sipping on her drink watching others do their things.

Uriel and Tony were also and were all over each other. Tony was a tall dark handsome guy. Uriel was light in complexion,of average height and curvaceous. As Salihat sat down there,she couldn't help but not how they both fit each other well.

Daniella didn't take it easy on the drinks and soon she was already tipsy. Ene kept an her on her. Funmilayo had always been the best dancer amongst them and was always ready to show her moves. Her dance steps were tight and soon all the guys around wanted to dance with her. She was dancing with one of Tony friends when Mustapha the  celebrant came and stole her.  He smiled at her and she smiled back. They  started dancing and Funmilayo enjoyed dancing with him. They spoke a little while they danced. A few minutes later Funmilayo noticed Daniella was getting drunk so she pulled away from Mustapha to help her cousin sit down.

Funmilayo and Ene took Daniella to sit with Salihat. They gave her water and left her in Salihat care while they went back to dancing.

Funmilayo found her way back to Mustapha's arms as they continued dancing. Ene was dancing with some random guy.

Hours later they all found themselves outside the club, ready to. Tony drove them back to his house where they slept until the following morning.

Ene was the first to wake up or so she thought.It was past 10. She got up from  the bed where Funmilayo and Salihat were still sprawled out. She heard the sound of the toilet flushing before Daniella walked out looking like a zombie.

"You're awake "Ene said.

"Hmm uhm.." Daniella sat back on the bed while Ene entered the bathroom to ease herself.  Ene looked into the mirror and laughed when she saw her face. Her makeup was smudged just like Daniella's.  There wasn't anything she could use to wipe the makeup off and she wasn't ready to go through the tedious process of using soap and water, so she left the bathroom to ask Daniella.

"Dani, do you have wipes in your bag?" She asked.

"Noo..  but I think I saw Uriel put a little wipe pack in her bag."Daniella replied.

"Where's she?" Daniella asked. She was too drunk when they got back so she didn't notice the sleeping arrangement.

Ene told her Uriel didn't sleep in the same room as them. Ene in her mind knew she didn't want to go and knock in the other room and Daniella wasn't willing either.  After awhile of just sitting Daniella decided to wake Funmilayo and Salihat.

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