Chapter 11

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In the morning Dipper didn't feel arms around his waist, which meant Bill was probably gone, Dipper sighed and got ready for the day, after he got ready he headed down to the kitchen where he saw the rest of his family.
"Dipper, there you are, you need to come with me today.......Wendy thinks she has found you a boyfriend." Mabel said, as soon as she saw Dipper.
"Actually Mabel, I have somewhere I need to be today." Dipper replied, sitting down.
"But Dipper." Mabel said.
"Dipper, does this have to do with your lost memories?" Grunkle Ford asked.
"Yeah, I've almost figured it out." Dipper answered.
"Let him do what he needs to Mabel, if it doesn't work out you can drag him throughout the entire town if you need to." Grunkle Stan said.
"Oh, alright, but if it doesn't work I really will drag you through town." Mabel said, looking at Dipper.
"Breakfast is ready, Grunkle Ford said, after everyone finished eating Dipper ran outside but was followed by Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford.
"Hang on Dipper, we're going with you." Grunkle Ford said.
"Yeah kid, we want to know what's going to happen next." Grunkle Stan added.
"This isn't a tv show, Stanley." Grunkle Ford said.
"Let's just get in the car, kid where do you need to go?" Grunkle Stan asked, ignoring what Grunkle Ford said.
"The place where you found me after weirdmageddon." Dipper answered, as the three got into the car, Grunkle Stan didn't say anything, he just drove. When they got to the place where they found Dipper after weirdmageddon, Dipper got out of the car and stood where he had been unconscious, it didn't take but just a second before Dipper started to remember everything about Bill and their time together, from the first date, to the first time Dipper managed to get Bill to touch him, Bill teaching him how to play the piano, Bill teasing Dipper with dreams of what they would do together once Dipper was old enough.....and weirdmageddon. Dipper was running through the fearamid with Bill chasing after him.....he wasn't running away from Bill but he needed to talk to Bill alone without his family or anybody else seeing them, when he finally found a spot, he stopped running and turned to face a now in human form Bill Cipher.
"Bill, what are we going to do....they're trying to get rid of you, I don't want you to leave." 12 year old Dipper said, panicking.
"Calm down Pinetree, don't worry I won't leave you." Bill replied, he sat down and pulled Dipper onto his lap.
"What are we going to do Bill?" Dipper asked.
"I know of something but it'll difficult for you." Bill answered.
"What is it?" Dipper asked.
"A deal.......weirdmageddon will disappear and everything will return to normal, but in exchange you'll have to lose your memories of me and I'll be turned to stone.......but in five years if you manage to regain all of your memories and kiss my statue on the lips, I'll be turned back and be competely human.....if you are late you'll forget about me forever." Bill answered.
"I don't want to lose you Bill." Dipper said.
"It's the only way I'll be able to return to you though." Bill replied.
"Will you make love to me, I'll be old enough?" Dipper asked, Bill chuckled.
"Yes I will....I'll marry you if that's what you can have me Pinetree." Bill answered.
"I'll hold you to's a deal." Dipper said, then he kissed Bill, Bill's hand produced a blue flame and gentle held one of Dipper's hands.
"It's a deal.....I love you Pinetree." Bill whispered, it was in Dipper's head though since he and Bill were still kissing.
16 year old Dipper found himself in someone's was Grunkle Ford's and Dipper noticed he was shaking.
"Dipper, are you alright?" Grunkle Ford asked, once he realized Dipper was back.
"Um, yeah.....I need to get to the clearing though.....I um I'll explain everything later." Dipper answered, as he pulled away from Grunkle Ford then he quickly ran and made his way to the clearing....which considering where he had been was pretty far off, when Dipper got there he made his way over to the statue of Bill and kissed it on the lips. Dipper kept his eyes closed and his mouth still even as the lips of the statue turned warm and felt like actual lips and arms wrapped around his waist, he didn't dare open his eyes when the lips pulled away from his.
"Open your eyes Pinetree."
Dipper slowly opened his eyes, and standing in front of him was Bill and not just a statue of him.
"You're back, you're back." Dipper whispered, as he wrapped his arms tighter around Bill's waist.
"I am, and you've gotten taller Pintree." Bill whispered.
"I told you I would." Dipper whispered, he kissed Bill again and this time Bill returned it, it wasn't long before Bill laid Dipper on the ground and got in between his legs.
"If I remember correctly I said, I would make love to you once you were old enough......and from what I've seen and helped you do....well you are old Pinetree, do you want me to take you?" Bill asked.
"Please." Dipper begged, Bill smiled and began to take off his clothes, once he was done he let Dipper take a good look at him.
"Like what you see?" Bill asked, Dipper moaned in pleasure.
"I'll take that as a yes." Bill said, then he took off Dipper's clothes.
"I might have gotten rid of our clothes quickly but I'm going to take everything else slowly." Bill said, then he began to kiss Dipper's neck, Dipper moaned and wrapped his arms around Bill's shoulder's.
"Nghh." Dipper gasped when Bill teased one of his nipples between his fingers.
"Like that?" Bill whispered, then nipped the underside of Dipper's jaw.
"Please Bill, I need you." Dipper moaned.
"So eager for more, yet I haven't done much.....hmm but before we get to the main event let me taste you Pinetree." Bill said, then he moved down to Dipper's cock and put it in his mouth and began to suck.
"Ahh." Dipper moaned, then whimpered when Bill pulled away.
"Don't worry Pinetree, there's going to be more, now suck on my fingers." Bill said, putting three fingers in front of Dipper's mouth, Dipper began to suck on the fingers eagerly, when Bill thought that his fingers were wet enough he pulled them out and began to tease Dipper's entrance with one of them.
"Please stop teasing me Bill." Dipper begged, Bill smirked and pushed the finger inside, Dipper gasped at the sudden intrusion, after a few seconds Bill pushed in a second finger, causing Dipper to whimper, Bill began to move his fingers searching for Dipper's sweet spot, he knew he found it when Dipper gasped in pleasure. After stroking Dipper's sweet spot a couple of times then he pushed in a third finger, once he knew Dipper had gotten used to having the three finger's in him, Bill began to finger fuck him until Dipper was about to cum.
"Bill." Dipper whined, when Bill denied him that release and removed his fingers.
"There's going to be something much better inside you in just a second Pintree." Bill said, then pushed his cock inside Dipper, he moaned at the feeling of finally being inside his Pinetree, while Dipper moaned at being filled with Bill's cock, Bill took pushing himself in Dipper further slow, he didn't want to hurt him, when he was fully sheathed in Dipper he waited until Dipper nodded his head for him to move, he moved in and out of Dipper slowly.
"Bill, faster....harder." Dipper moaned, Bill did what Dipper told him to do and was pleased with the little cries of pleasure he was able to get out of Dipper, when he hit Dipper's sweet spot, Dipper came, and a couple of hard thrust later Bill came inside Dipper, he made sure he had competely filled Dipper with his cum before pulling out.
"I love you Bill.....I've missed you." Dipper said, he was out of breath.
"I love you too Pinetree... I've missed you too." Bill replied, after a few minutes Bill and Dipper got their clothes back on.
"You alright Pinetree" Bill asked, when he saw Dipper wince.
"I'm alright, just sore." Dipper answered, Bill kissed Dipper on the cheek.
"Did I hurt you?" Bill asked.
"No, but I'm going to need a shower." Dipper asked.
"Yes, I guess you do, but before you wash off the evidence of our love making let me leave a reminder." Bill said, then he began to suck and bite on a spot on Dipper's neck.
"There, you can see it later." Bill said, before he gave Dipper a quick kiss, then he led Dipper back to the Mystery Shack, while making sure Dipper was alright.
"Bill, are you going to stay?" Dipper asked, he noticed that Grunkle Stan's car was in the driveway.
"Of course Fez and Sixer, isn't going to keep me away from you." Bill said, then they walked into the Mystery Shack.
"Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford, I'm back......and I've brought someone!" Dipper called out, there wasn't an answer, so Dipper led Bill to the living room.....Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford and Mabel were in there.
"Dipper, you're back you-" Grunkle Ford stopped talking when he saw great-nephew's neck and then the boy next to him.
"Ok, it looks like we're having a talk with both of you for what you did, but right now Dipper explain him." Grunkle Ford asked.
"But Sixer, you already know who I am." Bill said.
"Yes, but how are you here, how did you manage to survive weirdmageddon?" Grunkle Stan asked.
"Well Fez, if you must know, Pinetree and I made a deal." Bill answered.
"Wait, are you Bill Cipher?" Mabel asked, Bill smirked and nodded his head, Mabel looked down at Dipper's neck and looked back at Bill then she squealed.
"Yes bro-bro isn't alone anymore, I don't care who it is." Mabel said.
"Please, let him stay, he isn't even a demon anymore." Dipper begged, looking at Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford.
"Alright, but Bill you better behave yourself." Grunkle Ford said, after a few minutes of silence and Dipper silently begging them to let Bill stay.
"Now, go take a shower, then come back down here." Grunkle Stan said, Dipper and Bill did what Grunkle Stan said, Dipper because he really needed a shower, Bill out of amusement, When they got back to the living room, Grunkle Ford pointed at the couch where Mabel was sitting.
"Sit both of you." Grunkle Ford said, Dipper cautiously moved over to the couch and sat down next to Mabel and Bill sat down next to Dipper.
"Dipper, I'm going to be blunt but did you have unprotected sex with Bill?" Grunkle Ford asked, Dipper blushed but he nodded his head, Grunkle Ford then looked at Mabel.
"Stanley and I caught you having sex with your boyfriend." Grunkle Ford said, Mabel blushed.
"Look, the only reason we are getting up in your grill about this is because I'm going to have to be the one telling your parents that we found out you're pregnant." Grunkle Stan said, looking at Mabel, Mabel glanced down at the floor.
"As for you Dipper, unprotected sex in probably in that clearing so middle of the woods where anybody could see you." Grunkle Ford answered.
"Neither one of you are in trouble with us, but Dipper you're going to call you're parents and tell them that you're gay and that you have a boy.......Bill if you plan on having sex with him again, we had better not catch you and you better start using protection and no public sex. As for you Mabel, you're not having sex until after we figure out if you're pregnant if not, after that you're going to be put on birth control and we had better not catch you again." Grunkle Ford said.
"That's all, Dipper come on let's go to the kitchen." Grunkle Stan said, Dipper stood up and followed Grunkle Stan to the kitchen, Grunkle Stan picked up the phone and dialed up Dipper and Mabel's parent's phone number, after a couple of rings the call went through.
"Your son needs to talk to you." Grunkle Stan said, then he handed the phone to Dipper.
"Hey mom, hey I need to talk to you." Dipper said.
"I just needed to tell you......I have a boyfriend." Dipper said.
"It's not just a phase." Dipper said, Grunkle Stan raised an eyebrow, that phrase usually never led to anything good.
"I don't want to date any of the girls back home." Dipper said.
"Alright." Dipper said, then he hung the phone up, Grunkle Stan waited for Dipper to start talking.
"They said not to come back when summer ended and not to bother mailing my summer assignment to them, they would just burn it." Dipper whispered, Grunkle Stan sighed and pulled Dipper into a hug.
"Then it looks like, you'll be staying with Ford and me.....and you can turn give your summer assignment to Ford.......he's smarter than any of the teachers at the school here, so if you don't mind you'll be homeschooled." Grunkle Stan said.
"I don't mind." Dipper replied.
"Then let's go tell Ford, he's going to be a teacher in the fall." Grunkle Stan said, Dipper nodded his head, when they got back to the living room Dipper ran over to Bill and hugged him.
"So what did they say Pinetree?" Bill asked.
"To not come back after the summer ends, and not bothering mailing my sumer assignment them, they would burn it." Dipper answered.
"They said that......I would never have thought.....didn't they guess that you could be've never dated anyone and you barely looked at girls." Mabel said, she was shocked about what her parents said to Dipper.
"So that means Dipper is staying here, which means Ford, you'll be teaching Dipper, since he agreed to homeschooling." Grunkle Stan said.
"Which means that I'm staying too because I'm going to stay with my brother, plus if I'm pregnant the father lives here, come on Grunkle Stan let's tell mine and Dipper's parents that I'm staying and there might be a possibility I'm pregnant." Mabel added, then she grabbed hold of one of Grunkle Stan's hands and dragged him to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about your parents Dipper." Grunkle Ford said.
"It alright, Grunkle Ford to be honest Mabel and I felt weird being in California after our first summer here in Gravity we didn't feel like we didn't belong there anymore." Dipper replied.
"Must be the weirdness of this place." Grunkle Ford said, Mabel and Grunkle Stan walked into the living room.
"So?" Dipper asked.
"I couldn't hear the otherside of the conversation but Mabel chewed out your parents and after she told them she might be pregnant, she chewed the out again.....anyway Mabel is staying too." Grunkle Stan answered.
"Alright Dipper, you need to finish your summer might be from your old school but I'm curious about what you're going to think up and Mabel I want to see yours." Grunkle Ford said, Dipper nodded his head and walked towards the secret basement, he could sense that Bill was following him.
"So Sixer put a piano down here." Bill commented as the two walked over the piano and sat down.
"Yeah." Dipper said.
"You played and sung our song beautifully Pinetree." Bill said.
"Thanks." Dipper replied, blushing.
"Now you play me a song." Bill whispered, into Dipper's ear, Dipper blushed harder and placed his hands on the keys but he couldn't think of anything.
"Relax Pinetree, let it come to you." Bill said, and wrapped an arm around Dipper's waist, Dipper took a deep breath, let it out then began to play.
(A/N: I don't own this song)
Yes I do, I believe that one day I will be, where I was right there, right next to you and it's hard, the days just seem so dark. The moon, and the stars, are nothing without you, your touch, your skin, where do I begin? No words can explain the way I'm missing you, deny this emptiness, this hole that I'm inside, these tear they tell their own story. You told me not to cry when you were gone, but the feelings overwhelming, it's much too strong, can I lay by your side, next to you, you and make sure you're alright, I'll take care of you, and I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight. I'm reaching out to you, can you hear my call, this hurt that I've been through, I'm missing you, missing you like crazy. Can I lay by your side, next to you, to you, and make sure you're alright, I'll take care of you, and I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight. Lay me down tonight, lay me by you side, lay me down tonight, lay me by your side, can I lay by your side, next to you, you.
"That was beautiful Pinetree." Bill said.
"Thank you Bill." Dipper replied, Bill leaned down and kissed Dipper.
"Love you Pinetree, I'm not going to leave you again." Bill whispered, pulling away slightly from Dipper.
"Love you too Bill, I'm glad you've returned......did you mean what you said about if I wanted marriage, you'd marry me?" Dipper asked.
"Of course I meant it, but you'll have to wait until after you finish school." Bill answered, Dipper gave Bill a tiny smile.
"Ok." Dipper said, Bill leaned down and kissed Dipper again.
"I'm never going to tire of that." Bill whispered.
"Me either." Dipper whispered, Bill chuckled and kissed Dipper a couple of times before pulling away.
"Good." Bill said.

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