Chapter 4

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For the next couple of weeks Grunkle Stan work extra hard, it was mostly so he could teach Dipper how to flirt then Mabel would try to get Dipper to flirt with anyone their own age it didn't matter if it was a girl or a boy. During that time Grunkle Ford had competely taught Dipper how to play the piano, now he was just helping Dipper with writing a song, just like tonight but Dipper was getting frustrated.
"What's the point in doing this if I can't even think of one word?" Dipper asked, glaring at the piano.
"How about we take a break for tonight, there's something I want to show you in my office anyway." Grunkle Ford suggested.
"Alright." Dipper said, they stood up from the piano bench and made their way to Grunkle Ford's office.
"What did you want to show me?" Dipper asked, once they were inside the office.
"This." Grunkle Ford replied, holding up a metal hat with wires attached to it.
"Isn't that the machine that showed your thoughts on a screen?" Dipper asked, confused.
"While it acts like that one, it's not, this one shows your dreams on a screen." Grunkle Ford explained what the device does.
"Grunkle Ford, I'm sorry but I haven't had any dreams, not that I can remember anyway." Dipper said.
"That's what this is for, this shows your last dream." Grunkle Ford said.
"Alright, lets try it." Dipper replied, Grunkle Ford placed the hat on Dipper, at first nothing showed up on the screen then suddenly the fearamid popped onto the screen and an unrecongizable voice saying remember, after that the screen went blank again.
"How could you forget that?" Grunkle Ford asked, in disbelief and confusion.
"I don't know." Dipper answered.
"Dipper if you remember any dreams like this please let me know, I think you're trying to regain your memories of Bill." Grunkle Ford said.
"Alright Grunkle Ford, I'll let you know if I remember any dreams like this one." Dipper promise, taking off the hat and setting it down.
"Thank you." Grunkle Ford replied.
"You're welcome." Dipper said, Grunkle Ford smiled and led the way out of his office and out of the basement.
"Goodnight Dipper." Grunkle Ford said.
"Goodnight Grunkle Ford." Dipper said, then he went to his room and quickly got into bed. That night Dipper dreamnt of those pale fingers with black fingernails pressing some more piano keys. In the morning right after breakfast, Dipper ran off to the clearing, when he got there Dipper smiled at the statue, he didn't know why he was happy to see the statue but he was.
"I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while but Grunkle Stan has made me work extra hard." Dipper apologized, then he sat down in front of the statue, Dipper told the statue everything that has happened during the last couple of weeks. After Dipper finished telling the statue everything that has happened since the last time Dipper was in the clearing, Dipper didn't know what else to talk about but he didn't want to leave, so he laid down and stared at the statue of a finely dressed 17 year old boy until he fell asleep. When Dipper woke up it was dark unfortuantly Dipper didn't bring a flashlight but the moon did light up the clearing just enough that he could see his surroundings. When Dipper actually really noticed his surroundings he realized it was like the dream he just had, in his dream Dipper was in the moon lit clearing but the statue wasn't there. In the dream Dipper felt a tap on his shoulder, Dipper couldn't see who taped him on the shoulder but he had a feeling that he knew who taped him on the shoulder, then Dipper was pulled into a dance, when the dance ended Dipper felt someone kiss him on the forehead then a male voice saying goodbye. Once Dipper finished remembering his dream he started  to cry, somehow he managed to stand up and run all the way back to the Shack, past his family memebers and into his room.
"Dipper?" Dipper heard Mabel say from the otherside of the door.
"Go away Mabel!" Dipper yelled.
"Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford!" Mabel yelled, Dipper heard footsteps then a bang on the door.
"Kid, open the door!" Grunkle Stan yelled.
"The door doesn't have a lock!" Dipper yelled out, choking on a sob, when the door opened Dipper looked at his Grunkles and sister.
"We're sorry Bro-bro but we've been so worried about you, we haven't seen you since breakfast and we were worried even more when you missed dinner then you run in here crying your eyes out." Mabel apologized, then explained why they were ignoring Dipper's privacy.
"Where were you Dipper?" Grunkle Ford asked.
"I was in the clearing and I fell asleep." Dipper answered.
"Did you have a nightmare?" Mabel asked.
"No." Dipper said.
"Then why are you crying?" Mabel asked confused, Dipper didn't answer the question he just looked at the wall to his right.
"You two go back to the living room, I'll talk to him." Grunkle Stan said, looking at his brother and great-niece, Dipper noticed that they were about to argue but they didn't so they left the room.
"What is it Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked.
"If it wasn't a nightmare, what was your dream about?" Grunkle Stan asked, Dipper blushed and hesitated before finally deciding to answer his Grunkles question.
"I couldn't see the person's face but we danced in that clearing and when the dance ended the person kissed me on the forehead, then a guy say goodbye....I woke up after that. When I realized my dream looked so much like the real clearing I suddenly felt alone and cold, I couldn't handle it." Dipper described his dream and what he felt to make him start crying.
"Kid, I've had dreams like that before and I hate to admit it but they've made me tear up a little too, but then I have to remind myself that I haven't met anyone I'd want to be with like that and despite how real the dream felt, it wasn't" Grunkle Stan said, Dipper couldn't tell if the story was supposed to be advice or not, but he was glad his grunkle told him a story about himself.
"It felt so real, even the kiss felt real." Dipper replied, blushing at the mention of the kiss even though it was innocent.
"It seems like that dream meant a lot to you." Grunkle Stan said, Dipper nodded his head he didn't want to say anything else Dipper was afraid he would start to cry again.
"Dipper, you can cry I won't judge least this time." Grunkle Stan said.
"Isn't crying for the week?" Dipper asked, in a whisper.
"Not when it comes to this." Grunkle Stan answered, that was all it took for Dipper to start crying again, this time it was on his Grunkles shoulder and Dipper took full advantage of it because he didn't know when Grunkle Stan would be in a comforting mood again. After a few minutes of sobbing on his Grunkles shoulder Dipper fell asleep, though right before Dipper fell alseep he heard Grunkle Stan say that Dipper would be starving and embrassed in the morning.

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