Chapter 16

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Kristen's P.O.V.

"Why would someone separate twins that are immuned, what if they were identical, wouldn't that be creepy?" Tyler asked, I now remember he never shuts up! But I still love him, he is my little brother after all

"All identical twins in this town aren't immuned at all, just different gender twins"

"Wait, Mason, has he found his sister? Wait a second why didn't anyone tell me Mason and I were already dating before!?!"

"Because, we didn't want to get caught, plus it was bad enough you both made googoo eyes and each other in public"

"I liked the other Matt better"

"If it wasn't for me Mason wouldn't even think about talking to you"

"See this is why!"

"Are you both going to keep arguing like this? Is this what it's like when Kristen and I get in a fight?"

"Yeah, pretty much" Matt and I said together

"We need to find Catherine, I know how to help her"


"Ok so Senora threatened Catherine telling her if she ended up being fit for group 1 then instead of killing her she would control her"

"I though serums didn't work on Catherine"

"They don't, it wasn't a serum, it's this thing in her head, what Senora has to do was make Catherine swallow it and it would somehow climb up to her brain and there it would settle and she can't ignore any command from Senora and a few others"

"When did you learn this?"

"In this room we were taken to then out of, it was the room where we were first taken to then we went to the place where our memories were taken away"

"Let's go save Catherine!"

"She has a boyfriend now"

"Dammit, who?"


"Dammit, how could I compete with him" Tyler mumbled the last part but I heard

"You didn't even have a small chance Tyler, she always saw you as an older brother"

"Shut up" we all the walked out to Matt's car and he started to drive. We drove to where Matt and Senora's offices were. We walked into Matt's office and heard crying. Matt's chair turned around and we saw Catherine holding a gun crying, hard.

"I...ha-have...........t-too" she said as sobs wrecked through her body

"Kitty calm down, you don't have to do anything" Matt said taking a step closer, making Catherine hold up the gun so it wasn't against her chest anymore

"I..........c-can't.....................stop my-......self" she sob again and then stood up

"What's going on?" Tyler asked

"She's under Senora's control and we are her biggest threats"

"Don't move" her threat came out as is she was someone else, her voice was still full of sobs but the voice that came out was stronger. Her eyes were full of regret and sadness but her face held anger and hatred

"" she managed to choke out then she put her finger on the trigger. I looked her in the eye and took a step forward, a bigger one then Matt's so I was in front of him,it never broke eye contact.

"I love you too Catherine, go ahead, it's ok, I know it's not you that will kill us" Tyler and Matt both took my hand and stepped to be equal with me and we all closed our eyes.

I heard the sound of a gunshot but didn't feel anyone let go. I opened my eyes and saw Catherine on the ground bleeding from her shoulder, her right shoulder. Who shot her, she's right handed she couldn't of shot herself. I turned around and saw no one. It was as if everything was quiet and in slow motion. Matt had tears in his eyes and Tyler looked shocked, no one had a gun but Catherine.

She switch the hand she was using to shoot her good aiming arm, and stop herself. I ran over to her with Matt and Tyler, Matt quickly grabbed a rag from God knows where, and applied pressure on the gunshot making her scream out in pain.

Soon Senora came running in with guards and she looked horrified at what she saw.

"What did you do?!?" She yelled

"Catherine shot herself because of you! We know everything and you know what you really deserve to die!" I'm so happy the guards with her are immuned

"You will not talk to me like that young lady"

"You were nothing but a no body before this! Before you f*cked up everyone's lives!!!"

"Kristen calm down!" Tyler yelled

"No! Matt, Tyler take Catherine to the hospital, see doctor Hoston, David, Chris take Senora to her office, take away anything she can use to help her get out and or contacted people with, now!" I yelled "I lost my best friend in three different ways already, I can't lose her this way, the others were bad enough"

I felt tears sting my eyes and threaten to spill out but I held them in and everyone followed the orders I barked out. Once Senora was locked away in her office, and I had the immuned guards watching her I left for the hospital.

I had to walk since I didn't have a car. Ok I ran, I was so scared right now and I didn't care that tears were falling down my face. I was do scared, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if she would live since she lost lots of blood back in Matt's office and I can't imagine the amount she lost in the car ride. 

I ran faster and faster until my legs hurt only to keep that pace, this pain is a lot better then losing Catherine so I'd rather deal with this one now. Soon enough I was at the hospital and very hesitant to walk in.

"Hey, how are you?" I heard Mason say from behind me

"She could die, I could lose her, I don't want to" I cried on his shoulder and he rubbed my back, it felt normal to feel a bit weak but I know if I didn't find my brother I would still be standing strong not letting a single tear fall. I felt Mason walk me inside and we sat in the waiting room.

Hope you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading!


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