Chapter 4

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Kristen's P.O.V.

In the morning the woman came back with the two men who kidnapped us in the first place. They took us down a long corador and then there was a two way split in the hallways, they started taking us in different directions and I could hear Catherine yelling to let her go. I felt like actually crying for once, I can't lose my best friend, she's the one that never gave up on me when I started to, she was he one I could talk to at three am, she's like my sister that I always wanted.

And I'm going to lose her.

I was brought to a glass room within another room. I was sat in a chair and strapped down from my chest wrist and ankles. Just then a door opened on the outside of the glass room and in came Catherine who was still trying to get out of the man's hold and the woman.

"Catherine! Catherine!" I yelled but she didn't turn to me, the man with me pressed a button on his watch and spoke into it

"Alright the girl is strapped down, she's also yelling like you expected" I gave the guy my best glare and he only laughed. I looked over at the woman and saw she was laughing too

"Take me back to Kristen!" Catherine yelled at the man and woman, knowing their names would be a lot easier.

"Catherine be a good girl, Kristen is watching"


"She's right over there, watching everything that happens"

"In that box of mirrors?"

"Yes, now be a good girl or something will happen to you, and Kristen has to watch"

"Just let us go, we won't do anything bad in this society you want"

"It's not that easy, you are immuned to a substance we put in serums, it's something in your brain we can change but will take awhile, Kristen just needs to learn her place in the factions"

"What are the serums for?"

"To make sure no one breaks code in the new society"

"Kristen was right this is like divergent"

"I also forgot to mention one more thing about you"

"What is that?"

"You are also very smart, so that's 4 factions you can go into, and if your brain doesn't work the ways we want it to after the surgery then we will have to kill you"

"NO!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!!! I WILL NEVER LET YOU KILL MY BEST FRIEND!! I CAN'T LOSE HER!!" I yelled so loud I feel like they heard me

"Turn your damn watch off Zach" ok well I know one of their names

"Sorry Senora" ok two, Senora and Zach

"Zach? Really, sounds more like a teenager's name"

"Shut up, I have the right to punish you, you know"


"-one, Martin go get it" great I missed he conversation, but by the look on Catherine's face it doesn't sound like something good was said. The Martin guy walked over to Senora with a black box in hand. He opened it and Senora pulled out a syringe.

"Alright, now go sit in that seat and relax, I won't use this one, only the one that will change the way your brain works, but if that doesn't work then this one will have to be used" Catherine looked terrified and walked over to a chair closer to me.

"Relax" Zach said and I looked over at him to see he had a syringe in his hand too

"What's that?"

"It will help you fit in with a faction"

"I can't say goodbye"

"No, you won't remember her soon, same wih her" he then wiped my neck with an antibacterial wipe and put the syringe in my neck. Once it was out I felt memory after memory being pulled away from me and soon I was out.

Catherine's P.O.V.

I sat in the chair and felt the needle go into my neck. The next thing I knew was I was waking up, I didn't remember falling asleep or even having a dream. I looked up and the Senora lady and she smiled down at me.

"How do you feel?"


"That's alright, come on let's go"

"What's that?" I asked as I looked at some weird mirror block

"It's nothing, come on, your family misses you"

"How did I get here?"

"Something happened with your family and I took you in, for the night, I'm not sure how you ended up in this room but you did"

"Oh, alright then" I feel like Senora was lying to me, but being the president I'm sure she wouldn't, right? We walked outside to her car and she drove me home. When I got home I waved goodbye to Senora and walked in through the door, I'm glad I'm not in faction 5 or I would have to knock and and wait to speak when I'm spoken too, the selfless are so strange.

"Hey mom, hey dad, how's everything"

"Better, that was so kind of president Senora to watch you" my mom answered, while my dad gave me a quick sideways hug

"I am in her class mom, she says I'm her best student and that I have a chance of being president if I stay in faction 1"

"Then you should it's not everyday you get a chance like this"

"I know, I'm gonna go get ready for school"

"Alright, hurry up" I ran to my room and quickly changed my clothes and grabbed my backpack

"Bye love you both" I gave my parents a hug and then I was off to school. I walked into the school campus and I saw someone I never knew I even knew, but once I saw her multiple memories came flooding in in my brain.


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