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You were sitting playing some chess with yourself, something you'd do to pass time back at the castle when you were younger. Haz had provided you with the game, of which you were sincerely grateful for.

And for the sixth time already today, you'd won another game, playing against yourself. Just as you'd finished, and were resetting the pieces the metal door opened. You looked up to see Tom. "Cm'on. We're going to do something more fun than chess." He said, he seemed stressed and irritated. "Have you been watching me play chess this whole time?" You asked, raising an eyebrow as you stood up.

"I saw Haz give it to you, then I left to go take care of some business, and I came back to see you STILL playing chess." He said and you had to jog a little every now and then to keep up with him. You hadn't even realized you had been playing so long. "Well I mean it is the only thing I can do while I'm in there." You reminded him, as he led you down a few various halls, you hadn't kept track of the turns.

"Try and escape or something." He said sarcastically and you huffed. "As if, I can barely take a punch to the face." You said and Tom chuckled a little as the two of you stopped at two large doors. "This is our gym." Tom said, he opened the double doors to reveal a few punching bags, weights, and other things.

"So why are we here?" You asked and Tom looked at you with a sly smile. "I'm going to teach you how to throw a punch." He said and you furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't know about you, but if I was a mobster I wouldn't be teaching my prisoners how to fight." You said and Tom shook his head as he handed you some cloth to wrap around your kuckles and you looked at them confused. "I don't just teach anyone." He said, noticing you had no idea what to do with them.

"Here." He said and he gently took your wrist and turned your hand. "Wrap it around your knuckles, like this." He said, wrapping it around your knuckles and wrist. He looked up slightly to see your bandaged arm and looked into your eyes. "How's it healing?" He asked, motioning to your bandaged wound.

"It's doing alright, thanks." You said and he nodded, knowing you wanted to end the conversation about it. You wrapped your other hand up, just like Tom had shown you.

You walked up to the punching bag and Tom finished putting on his own bandages around his knuckles. "Alright, stance up like this." He said, and he hunched over a little, his legs spread and his arms up, hands balled up into fists.

You followed his direction and Tom watched your form. "A little more." He said, motioning to your feet. "Huh?" You asked, and you moved your feet out a little more. Tom shuffled for a moment, trying to figure out how to tell you the exact way to stance up. He gave up after a moment and walked over to you. He placed his hands gently on your hips as he stood behind you. He used his leg to spread yours a little farther, then he fixed your posture and the angle of your arms.

"Alright." He said, after clearing his throat and he stepped away. You were practically red at this point. "Now you swing like this." He said as he stanced up similar to you, he took a hit at the punching bag. You watched intently, and when his fist contacted the bag it swung away from him. Tom caught the bag when it came back around.

"Give it a try." He said and you nodded. You felt confident as you hit the bag. But a pain immediately came to your knuckles and it looked as if the punching bag had barely moved. That punching bag weighed a lot more than you'd expected.

You shook your hand as you stepped away, trying to shake off the pain. You heard Tom's laughter as you shook off the pain from your hand. "Have you never punched anything in your life?" He asked, his pearly whites gleaming as he chuckled. You sheepishly shook your head.

"Well no worries, just punch it softer, you'll build up a tolerance." He said as he motioned you over back to the punching bag. "Alright, now I just want you to continually punch it. Like this." He said as he stanced up again. He punched with his right, left, right, left. Over and over. When he stopped he was breathing a little quicker. You had been almost in a trance, watching him go at it over and over. "Ready?" He asked and you nodded as you stanced up.

"Just a tip." He said before you could punch it. "Try thinking of something that really gets your blood boiling yeah? Makes it easier." He said with a side smile and you nodded in response. It took you a moment to think of something and once you finally did you started to go at the punching bag like it was your worst enemy.

You punched it over, and over. Even after your gash had started to burn again. Your arms were burning as well and you punched it over and over, you were nearly cut off from all reality.

"Y/N." Tom said, pulling you out of your seemingly hypnotic state. You stopped and backed up, looking at him.Tom didn't seem phased. He only tilted his head to the side slightly as he looked at you. You were practically panting. He smiled as he walked towards you, after steadying the swinging punching bag.

"You'd make a great fighter." He said and you shrugged as you scratched the back of your neck. "I'm not all into that violent stuff." You chuckled nervously and Tom handed you a water bottle. You thanked him as you chugged the water bottle.

"I haven't been this out of breath since I started ballroom dancing." You chuckled and Tom looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "Ballroom dancing?" He asked and you nodded. "All the royals teach their offspring, to keep the old tradition alive. I always loved the lessons." You remarked and you smiled, an idea popping into your head. "Cmon I'll teach you." You said as you held out your hand.

"I don't think I'll be very good-" Tom began and you shook your head with a smile. "It's your turn to learn something." You said and Tom rolled his eyes and smile. "Alright then." He said and you held out your hand. He took it.

You led him to an open space in the gym. "Have you ever danced before?" You asked and he shrugged. "Does club dancing count?" He asks and you shook your head with a chuckle escaping your lips. "I mean- I guess, but its a... less formal way of dancing." You said and Tom frowned a little.

"Alright, come on, step closer. I won't bite." You said as he was slightly distant from you, almost hesitant.

"I might." He said and you raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was going to come closer. He eventually did and you took his hands. "One here." You directed his hand by taking his wrist, and placing his hand on your hip. You felt a shiver run down your spine at the contact. You held his hand, somewhat awkwardly with your other hand, your right hand was on his shoulder.

"It's okay if you step on my toes, just apart of the learning process." You said as you began to guide him. A few times Tom nearly- or did step on your toes which he always mumbled an apology.

But he was getting the hang of it fast, as if he were meant to dance. "Alright, now for a twirl." You smiled and Tom grinned as he then twirled you suddenly, but you followed through and flowed back into his arms. This time, he intertwined his fingers with yours, and he pressed his hand against the small of your back, pressing you against him.

"You should have been my dancing partner back home, I would have had a lot more fun." You chuckled and Tom raised an eyebrow as he smiled. "Oh yeah? And wear some fancy expensive tux? Not exactly about the royal life." He said and you shrugged. "It's not all bad. There's a lot of good about it. But it can be stressful. If I'm honest.. I don't think I could ever rule my country. I just don't see it as something I'd like to do long term." You admitted and Tom nodded. "I feel the same way about the mafia. But I provide for a lot of the men who work for me. If anything did ever happen to me, I know Haz would take over the business. I'd want him to." Tom said and you nodded.

"Did you join the mafia?" You asked and Tom shook his head. "It was my father's. My brothers left the mafia after my father passed, my mother passed when I was very young." He said, you could feel his hand tense on your back as he spoke about his mother. "I'm very sorry." You said softly, at this point the two of you were simply swaying, not really dancing.

Tom only looked away with a shrug, his jaw was clentched. "It's just the life I was born into. But I don't mind, not anymore at least. Its a good income." He said and you looked up at him as he looked back down at you, not being able to keep his gaze off of you for long. "Doesn't it make you go... I don't know. A little crazy sometimes?" You questioned, tilting your head to the side. Tom smiled, "Everyone has something that make them go crazy, darling." He said as he suddenly dipped you backwards. You inhaled sharply as you were dipped. Tom was now leaning over you, pieces of his hair dangling onto his forehead. "I think it's time to end our little session. I have work to do, princess." He said as he brought you back up.

He let go of you, and you felt sad as he did so, not wanting it to end.

The Mobster's Princess  [Tom Holland x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now