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You woke up to a painful headache. You were laying down in your corner, where you'd set up your pillow and blanket. You groaned in pain and you barely touched your face to feel sharp pains shoot across the area, definitely bruised. The metal door opened. "Shower time." Haz informed you. He was holding a towel in his hands and a wash cloth. You stood up and followed Haz, being between him and two other guards behind you.

"Here you are." He said as he handed you the towel and wash cloth. "There's a metal slot on the door. You may drop your clothes through there and they will be washed." Haz said and you nodded. You noticed he'd stared at your face a little longer than you'd like so you turned away and he cleared his throat. "Right then. Knock when you've finished." He reminded you.

It was uncomfortable, knowing someone could just walk in on you. Or just peek through the slot. The shower wasn't very warm but it wasn't all that cold either- thankfully. You'd also guessed that many other of the prisioners got at least somewhat similar treatment as there were many other shower stalls. For a building filled with nothing but mobsters the place sure was kept clean.

You soon knocked on the metal door after you'd finished, your towel was wrapped around you. The metal slot opened and you were handed your same clothing, but now they'd been washed after you wearing them. You quickly slipped them on and knocked on the door. You left your towel on a rack where they would later collect it.

You were walked back to your room- per usual and then you sat. Also annoyed that your hair would probably dry weird as you had no way to brush it other than your fingers.

Moments later the door opened. It was the boss who entered, and only him. He smiled. "Good afternoon princess." He said and you looked away. "I've brought you something." He said and you looked up at him, he had his hands behind his back as a grin was spread on his face, as if eager to give you the gift. "Whatever it is, I don't want it." You replied, snappy. He shrugged. "This is nothing personal, between you and I, you know." He said as he grabbed the wooden chair, the back of it facing towards you as he sat down on it so his arms were against the back. "Here." He said, there was a grey brush for you, just what you'd needed.

You looked up into his eyes for a moment before reluctantly, and gently taking it. "Thank you." You softly said and you looked away. You sighed as you began to brush the ends of your hair. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the boss tilt his head. "Something on your mind, darling?" He asked, his devilish hair falling to his forehead slightly.

You glanced over at him for a moment, your eyes only flickering to his for a second before they returned to the padding of the cell to your left. "Aw come on. You can trust me." He said, a sly grin spreading on his lips once again. "Hardly." You shot back with a hardened expression. "I told you this was nothing personal." He reminded and you scoffed. "Even if this was nothing personal I'd never trust a member of a mafia." You said and he raised his eyebrows at your newfound tone, but he didn't scold you over it.

"Not just any member darling, the leader. And I didn't get you kidnapped for fun, it was just a contract. Although doing it for fun-" He was cut off when you shot him a glare. He raised his hands with a smirk playing on his lips. "Only joking princess."

"And this is personal, you still kidnapped me even though you knew it was wrong." You pointed out and he shrugged. "Right. Wrong. The only thing that sets them apart are the ones who make the rules. It wasn't my intention to have you hurt. Nor do I want you hurt." He said and you looked up at him suspiciously. "You know, the contract clearly states that the person doesn't care if you are hurt." He said as he stood up from the chair and you immediately hopped up to your feet, dropping the brush in progress.

As he neared you could smell the same cologne from his office, so sickenly sweet. "But like I said, it's not my intention to get you hurt." He said and you scoffed, "You're a liar, all of you mobsters are the same." You said and he shook his head with a smile, he put his hands in his pockets. "I haven't lied to you, princess. I have no reason to." He said as he was only mere inches away from you. You were backed up against the padded white wall at this point, your heart racing and chest nearly heaving.

"Have a good day, princess." He said as he twirled around on his heel and began walking towards the exit. Before he left you spoke up. "Wait!" You said catching his attention. You took a step forward from the wall. He turned his head to look at you, his gleaming brown eyes filled with curiosity. "Yes?" He asked, his eyebrow arched. "What's your name?" You asked and he smiled slightly. "Tom." He said and he then shut the door.

Tom, huh?

The Mobster's Princess  [Tom Holland x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now