Too late...

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Julian finally reached Bryanna's house just as his chest felt like it was going to pop.

He walks up to her door and knocks like someone's life depends on it. Bryanna didn't answer.

Nobody was home, But Bryanna's light was on.

Julian decided to find the spare key and opened the door.

He ran up the stairs and threw open Bryanna's door.

She didn't open it.

At this point Julian is trying with all his strength to bust the door down.

Finally, the door gave way and the lock broke.

Julian walks around looking for that petite girl.

She was on the floor in her bathroom with flower petals slowly falling out of her mouth.

As Julian holds Bryanna against him, he feels for her heart beat. No pulse.

"Please let me save her, please. I love her."

The only thing that ran through Julian's mind was that he was,

"Too late..."

Hanahaki DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now