They meet

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Second day of school. Bryanna enters her senior classroom and rushes to her seat. Julian enters the classroom and walks to his seat. A new girl enters the classroom after Julian and takes her seat in front of Bryanna. Julian didn't pay attention to anything around him and Bryanna just kept her head lowered and refused to make eye contact with anyone. 

"Get into groups of two please." The teacher stated.

Everyone got into groups except for Bryanna and Julian considering they were just in their own little world the whole time. 

The teacher sees these two students and makes them pair up together.

"Julian pair up with Bryanna." 

"Doesn't sound like I have a choice." Julian says with an annoyed look.

"We don't have to..."

a small voice states this ever so softly.

Julian looks towards this fragile voice and makes eye contact with Bryanna's big sad eyes. Even though she had a smile on her lips her eyes were telling another story.

In Bryanna's head she knew someone like Julian would rather work alone so she decided to give Julian a way out.

He didn't take Bryanna's escape.

"No, It's fine." Julian says as he holds Bryanna's eyes in his.

"Okay!" Bryanna says with a big smile.

Hanahaki DiseaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora