Random tea no one asked for

242 3 3

oh hoho
welcome to gay panic

p a r t 2

before I get way too into this I'd like to thank you guys for 17k I swear everytime I check on this book I'm up another 1k reads hhHhh
if I get anywhere over 100k I might do a face reveal
might kids only might idk if I'll ever do that

*dabs* (yes I did do (69) that x2)
I got mad anxiety

(I'd like to say I am the embodiment of a dead meme)

heh I'm going to be planning future competitions for other goals hit and because I have PrObLemS so im asking if you guys would be willing to do any competitions?

also if you have any ideas for competitions please do tell TwT I'm bad at this shit-

ey welp
imma just shout this out here
I have an Instagram it's for art and stuff and I'm horrible at posting but its @/eyebleach_art

sksksksksksk aight bois

its tea time

cough cough

it all started in a far away land~

yeahhhh no

Do do y'all remember when I posted about my friend being in an abusive relationship! Shes out of it now so dont worry about it :)

But now she gots a new mens and I'm just here like "ah yes I've had 3 girlfriends and I STILL HAVENT MANAGED TO GET THE ONE GIRL IVE LIKED FOR THE LONGEST TIME!"


phew okay that's done now
but yeah shes in a healthy (I think?) relationship but she wants to break up with him bc now she gots trust issues. and I know what you're thinking (I think?) 'Eye bleach-chan you're setting yourself up for disaster if you do date her' and hahaha I know. 

I mean I'm sitting her an overly gay mess for this girl and she said if her relationship doesnt work out she'll date me! sO I feel like a piece of shit for celebrating bUt FINALY!

okay now that that little rant is over I just wanna say anyone you see me referring to babe or being all couplely with just know they're either my friends or exs (I'm on good terms with them :) ) and I'm just too lazy to go back and change it sO yEaH!

And finally you've made it to the end of this bs chapter but I have a few questions before you go! Do you guys wanna see some different AUs and things with my little crack fic here like be honest do (420 (I'm a dead meme okay)) you want me to do some AUs and things ,_,... oH also my beautiful lovely thots genders! (yes I did make Jirou and Bakugou both trans but soon that'll end up changing bc pLoT) but I'm asking gender fluid characters nonbinary characters would you mind if I did that with 1 or 2 characters? and do you want me to?

this is getting a bit long and wordy now I'm just asking for opinions so yeah~

also also also



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