"Calm down, I'm sure She's fine. She survived the flood." Angelpaw replied. Wolfpaw nodded his head in agreement. Redpaw rolled her eyes, heading to a tree stump and settling down, Why is Darkpaw so worried about Moonpaw? She growled, her claws unsheathed, It's not like she's dead....

Redpaw huffed, catching her breath. Coalpaw was beside her, panting a bit. Their mentors watched them from their spot. The sun shimmered on Redpaw's red fur, as a cold breeze batted her face. Since the experience with the supposedly NightClan, Adderstrike hasn't talked to her except in training. Clouddust stood up and went up to the exhausted apprentices, "You both did good." He praised them. Coalpaw let out a purr, his silver gray fur ruffled.
Redpaw huffed, looking at her black paws.

They all started to head to camp, with Redpaw falling behind with her mentor. She looked at Adderstrike. His red brown fur glistened in the sunlight. He turned to her, "Before we head to camp, I would like you to go on a hunting session" He looked at her, "Once you feel like you have caught enough prey, meet me at the Tall Pines." Before she could ask any questions, he went deeper into the woods, disappearing in the shadows. Redpaw's ear flicked as she listened to the sound of the birds singing. She let out a sigh, Well, I guess I don't have a choice. But where should I go?

Her paws skidded through the forest. Leaves fell around her paws, glowing yellow and orange colors. Her dark green eyes gazed around her surroundings as she padded near the riverbank. Exhausted and numb from training, She laid near the river, putting her paws in the cold water. I can't even hunt.. Why would Adderstrike send me out here? I can't even pick up my paws..
She sighed with relief, relaxing her sore muscles and closing her eyes, If I could live anywhere besides SkyClan, I would live here.. She purred, all the bones in her body relaxing. Nothing can ever ruin this moment......

A loud cry was heard, "Larchkit! Breezekit! Applekit!" Silence was heard in a quick heartbeat, then another cry, "Help me!!"
Redpaw stood up with a quick start, forgetting everything that she was doing and running toward the crys. The closer she got, the more clearer she heard them. The crys sounded gurgled, and Redpaw felt a jolt with horror, Someone's drowning..

Vivid memories filled her head. Most of her kithood, she was raised by Skylily because her biological mother drowned in the river. Back then, Adderstrike became cold and distant.
"He's just grieving," Was what she always heard from Skylily and Whiteshadow.

Redpaw immediately shook away her thoughts, I won't let them drown...
She skidded near the water. A young black tom was close to the riverbank. His eyes were wide with horror, his fur bristling. A brown furred head bobbed in the water. Redpaw's claws dug into the earth, I have to do something!
She took a deep breath, before jumping into the water. She let out a surprised Yelp when she felt the current pull her into the water, her red fur soaked, sticking to her skin. A surge of panic went through her body as water covered her face. It filled her lungs, blocking out air. She felt her heart racing like a rabbit running from a fox. I'm going to die... She lashed her paws blindly through the water, I have to save them, I just have to!
Her head bobbed out of the water as she let out a gasp, taking back all the breath into her lungs. A brown figure was not far from her, their body being dragged by the strong current. She felt her paws weighed down from her damp her, but she managed to slither over to the figure, through the water. She picked them up from their scruff, and mumbled through their thick fur, "Don't worry, I'll save you!" She dragged them to land, gently putting them near the black tom. He looked at her with shock, but then looked at the brown furred she-cat, "Leafpaw!" He kneeled down to her, "You're okay! You're okay!" His voice cracked a bit, and Redpaw shifted uncomfortably. The she-cat looked at Redpaw, their green eyes glimmering weakly, "Please, you have to save...the kits..." She rasped out, before blacking out. Repaw looked at her, I can't say no..I have to do it... She spun around, toward the tom, "Come on, We don't have much time!" She yowled, running near the water, looking for any fluffy bundles in the water. Soon enough, She found three kits on a log. Their pelts were spiked up with fear.

"Larchkit!" The tom leaped into the water, fighting the current to get to the kits, "Hang on!" Redpaw followed him into the cold water. The water soaked her red pelt once again. She picked up two of the kits. Their small bodies shook with fear. Redpaw swam to land, keeping the kits' heads up out of the water. She felt her damp paws step into the dirt, her gaze turned to the brown tabby she-cat. She placed the kits down. The tom placed the one kit he had down, his eyes glistened with rage and worry, "What were you three thinking?" He spat, "You could've died!"

Redpaw felt herself shift uncomfortably as he scolded the kits. The brown she-cat let out a chuckle, "Thank you," She meowed. Redpaw looked at her, "For what?"
"You helped us save the kits," Her eyes glimmered, "Without you, we'd probably be all in the river, drowning."
Redpaw shifted uncomfortably. She felt her ear tips burning. Her heart pounded in her chest, "It was nothing, really," Her voice seemed a bit too squeaky. Get your act together, Redpaw!

"I'm Leafpaw," The she-cat said, "And this is my brother, Windpaw." She pointed to the black tom.
"I'm Redpaw" Redpaw meowed, dipping her head in greeting, "It's nice to meet you, Leafpaw."
Leafpaw seemed to brighten up, before turning to Windpaw, "Take the kits back to camp. I'll catch up with you soon."
Redpaw watched as Windpaw picked up the kits and headed back to his camp. Leafpaw turned to her, "Well, I hope we see each other again." Her voice was filled with disappointment, "Goodbye, Redpaw!" She glanced at her one last time, before running after her brother.

Redpaw stood there for what felt like moons. She gazed at where she ran off to, wanting to chase after her and learn more about her. She growled and shook off those thoughts, No! How can I be so mouse-brained! She's from BlazeClan..But She's different from the others... She turned away, heading over to her side of the river, Leafpaw. Her name echoed in Redpaw's head. She glanced one last time toward the river, "See you some other time, Leafpaw.."

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