Chapter two

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That night, Dovelight's friends and kin slept near her body until sunrise, when the elders or apprentices bury her body. Redkit watched as Pinktail and Coalpaw dragged Dovelight's body out of the camp. Redkit sighed, Why did he do it. What did Dovelight even do? Her thoughts were interrupted by Ferretkit, who jumped onto her, "Hey Redkit, wanna play hide and seek." Her green eyes gleamed with excitement. Redkit smirked, "once you get off of me." Ferretkit squeaked her apologizes and got off of her. Redkit stood up, padding to Moonkit and Tawnykit, "Where's Darkkit?" She asked. "He has a fever." Moonkit replied, sighing sadly. Moonkit and Darkkit has always had a close relationship. Everytime one of them was hurt, the other would freak out. It got on Redkit's nerves, "I'm sure Dawnstream is taking care of Darkkit just fine." Redkit muttered. Moonkit nodded slowly, still looking concerned, "So we going to play or sit here doing nothing." Ferretkit and Tawnykit exchanged a glance, "Alright, who wants to be the seeker." Tawnykit meowed, "Not it" Moonkit and Ferretkit chirped. "Not it." Tawnykit squeaked after them. Redkit smirked, "alright, I'll seek. You all hide." They all nodded. Redkit started counting as the kits immediately rushed to find a hiding spot. Redkit was pretty good at hide and seek. She always used her hearing to find the kits, and she knew most of the camp grounds. She could find every good hiding spot in one second. After she was done counting, she looked around for any sign of them. Darkkit and Tawnykit were usually the ones to be found first. She padded around, sniffing the air for any scent of Tawnykit. There was no sign of her so far. She's actually doing pretty good. A quiet giggle was heard from the bushes. Redkit smirked, "Found you." The white and ginger she-kit came out of the bushes, "aw man, I thought you wouldn't find me this time." She mumbled. Redkit chuckled, "You did better than what Darkkit could do." Tawnykit smiled, "you really think so." Redkit chuckled again and nodded, "I know so." The two kits padded around camp to look for any signs of the other two. Moonkit was usually the hardest one to find. She seems to know exactly where to hide, and where to not. This time, she was hiding behind a bunch of brambles near the medicine cat den. Now the only one to find is Ferretkit. Ferretkit was in the mixture between Tawnykit and Moonkit. She was indeed restless like Tawnykit but seemingly good at hiding, like Moonkit. Redkit usually finds her by sight. If you look closely, you'd probably see Ferretkit's stripy tan body. Eventually, the kits found Ferretkit hiding in a pile of leaves. It was hard to find her, due to her stripy pelt, but Redkit did find her in the end. "Okay," Ferretkit puffed out, "who's it now?" 
Tawnykit meowed, "I am." With that, she started counting. Redkit immediately ran to find a hiding spot. Now, where could I hide? She gazed around the camp, inspecting everything she saw. She could do what Ferretkit did last round, and hide under a pile of leaves. Or maybe… her thoughts were cut off by the sound of footsteps coming towards her, "Redkit! Just the cat I wanted to see.." A purr was heard from behind. Redkit turned to face a red brown tom. Adderstrike.. "What do you want?" She asked gloomily. His yellow eyes gleamed with mischief, "Oh come on, Redkit." He got closer, "You are my kit after all." Redkit flinched. Adderstrike was never there for me as a young kit, so why should he care about me now? She thought bitterly, "Come Redkit, I would like to show you something.." He padded to the entrance of the camp. Redkit hesitated, "Out there?" Adderstrike growled, "You'll be fine. In two moons, you'll be apprenticed. Take this as some practice." Redkit silently nodded, turning to look at Tawnykit, who was almost done counting. They won't mind if I'm gone for awhile. 

Dark gray clouds covered the blue sky. Redkit followed Adderstrike, straying further and further from camp. Redkit gazed hesitantly at the unknown territory. The land itself was in ruins, trees scattered all around. The grass was cut short, almost fully gone. Ashes remained on the ground. Redkit looked at Adderstrike. He chuckled, "This doesn't look like much yet. But soon, Night Clan will rise from the ashes and claim back their rightful territory." He turned to her, "You as my daughter, I want you to join us." He sighed, "But not now.. You still have lots to learn. " Redkit looked at him confused. Adderstrike smiled at her, "Come on, let's go back before Skylily freaks out." Redkit nodded standing up and following her father back to camp.
As soon as Redkit stepped her paws on Sky Clan land,  She heard Tawnykit sigh, "Okay Redkit, I give up." Redkit chuckled and emerged from the entrance. Tawnykit looked in disbelief, "Why didn't I think about checking there.." She groaned. Redkit shrugged, "Maybe next time you'll be able to find me." Ferretkit rolled her eyes, "Yeeeah sure, then you'll think of hiding inside the Warriors den." They all laughed. Redkit smiled, "Let's go check on Darkkit." They all nodded, especially Moonkit. Redkit padded over to Moonkit, "Guess life without Darkkit isn't so bad, huh?" She whispered in her ear. Moonkit smiled, her blue eyes glistening, "yeah." They padded over to the medicine den. Redkit looked back to Adderstrike. He chuckled, padding to the fresh-kill pile. Maybe he isn't so bad after all…

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