Series 2 Episode 10: Love and Monsters

Start from the beginning


"Victor.. Good Luck. Goodbye."


"You're a... thing!"

"A thing? This thing is my true body. Better than that pink thing you call a body."


"You're some sort of.. Absorbathon. An Absorbaling. An Abzorbaloff."


"Oh just think about the Doctor. How would he taste?"


"She tastes like chicken."


"Someone wants a word with you."

"You've upset my mum."

"A great big absorbing creature from outer space and you're having a go at me?"

"No one upsets my mum."


"Interesting. Some sort of Absorbatrix. Absorbaklon... Abzorbaloff.

"Abzorbaloff, yes."

"Is it me or is he a bit Slitheen?"

"Not from Raxacoricofallapatorius, are you?"

"No I'm not. They're swine. I spit on them. I was born on their twin planet."

"Really? What's the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius?"



"Clom, yes."


"Sweet, maybe. Passionate, I suppose. But don't ever mistake that for nice."


"The absorber is being absorbed."

"By what?"

"By the Earth."


"There was a shadow in your house. A living shadow in the darkness. An elemental shadow had escaped from Howling Halls. I stopped it, but... I wasn't in time to save her. I'm sorry."

"Because that was the night my mother died."


"We forget because we must. Turns out I've had some of the most terrible things happen, and some of the most brilliant, and sometimes I can't tell the difference, they're the same thing. They're just me."


"Salvation and Damnation are the same thing."


"Cause the Doctor might be wonderful, but thinking back, I had such a nice time, just for a little while I had a nice little gang, and they were destroyed. It wasn't his fault, but maybe that's what happens if you touch the Doctor, even for a second. I keep thinking of Rose and Jackie, and how much longer before they pay the price."


"But what I wanted to say, is, y'know when you're a kid, they tell you it's all grow up, get a job, get married, get a house, have kids and that's it. No. But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that.... and so much darker... and so much madder. And so much better."


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