Series 1 Episode 6: Dalek

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"If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you exhibit A."


"Attention all - Bad Wolf 1 descending, Bad Wolf 1 descending."


"The president is ten points down. I want him replaced."


"We caught two intruders, sir. We don't know how they got in."

"I'll tell you how they got in - In-tru-da window... that was funny!"


"Is it dangerous?"

"No it just looks silly."


"She's gonna smack you if you keep calling her she."


"Exterminate! Exterminate! You are an enemy of the Daleks. You must be destroyed."


"Fantastic! Oh, Fantastic! Powerless. Look at you. The great space dustbin. How does it feel?"

"Keep back!"

"What for? What are you going to do to me? If you can't kill, then what are you good for, Dalek? What's the point of you? You're nothing. What the hell are you here for?"


"Your race is dead. All of you all, burnt; the entire dalek race wiped out in one second."

"You lie!"

"I watched it happen! I made it happen!"

"You destroyed us!"

"I had no choice."

"And what of the Time Lords?"

"Dead. They burnt with you. The end of the last great time war. Everyone lost."

"And the coward survived."

"Oh, and I caught your little signal "help me", poor little thing. But there's not one else coming, cause there is no one else left."

"I am alone in the universe."


"So are you. We are the same."

"We're not the same, I'm not... no wait maybe we are..."


"Every single emotion was removed, except hate."


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