Series 2 Episode 9: The Satan Pit

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"Maybe we've opened the prison, but not the cell."


"Would you?"

"Oh, in a second. But that's so human. That is so human. Where angels fear to tread. Even now, stranding on the edge. It's that feeling you get, yeah? Right at the back of your head. That impulse, that strange little impulse, that mad little voice saying 'go on, go on, go on, go over, go on....' Maybe it's relying on that. For once in my life, Officer Scott, I'm going to say.... retreat. Ohh. Now I know I'm getting old."


"It was so angry. It was fury, and rage, and... death. It was Him. It was the Devil."


"This is the darkness this is my domain. You little things that love in the light clinging to your feeble suns, which die in the end. Only the darkness remains."


"You will die here. All of you. This planet is your grave."

"It's Him. It's Him. It's Him."


"This one knows me. As I know him. The killer of his own kind."


"What does before time mean?"

"Before time and light and space and matter. Before the cataclysm. Before this universe was created."

"That's impossible. No life could've existed back then."

"Is that your religion?"

"It's a belief."

"You know nothing, all of you. The captain, so scared of command. The solider, haunted by the eyes of his wife. The scientist, still running from Daddy, the little boy who lied. The virgin. And the lost girl. So far away from home. And the valiant child who will die in battle, so very soon."


"You will die... and I will live."


"If you want voices in the darkness, then listen to mine. That thing was playing off of basic fears. Darkness, childhood nightmares, all that stuff."

"But that's how the Devil works."

"Or a good psychologist."

"But how did he know about my father?"

"How is his version of the truth any better than mine, hm? Cause I'll tell you what I can see. Human. Brilliant humans. Humans who travelled all across space, flying in a tiny little rocket, right into the orbit of a black hole just for the sake of discovery! That's Amazing! D'you hear me? Amazing! All of you. The captain. His officer. His juniors. His friends. All with one advantage. The beast is alone. We are not. If we can use that to find that against him..."


"Well that's handy, listing things we haven't got. We haven't got a swimming pool or a Tesco's either."

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