Series 1 Episode 6: Dalek

Start from the beginning

"Do you know what a Dalek is, Van Statten? A Dalek is honest. It does what it was born to do for the survival of its species. The creature in your dungeon is better than you."




"I am in pain. They torture me but still they fear me. Do you fear me?"


"I am dying."

"No, we can help."

"I welcome death but I am glad that before I die I met a human who was not afraid."

"Isn't there anything I can do?"

"My race is dead. I shall die alone."


"What ya gonna do, sucker me to death?"

Gets suckered to death


"That Dalek just absorbed the internet."


"The Daleks survive in me."


"Great big alien death machine. Defeated by a flight of stairs."


"Don't you see? It's all gone - everything you were, everything you stood for."

"Then what should I do?"

"All right then, if you want orders - follow this one.  Kill yourself. The Daleks have failed. Why don't you just finish the job and make them extinct? Why don't you just die?"

"You would make a good Dalek."


"Now, for gods sake, run."


"I'm sorry."


"Sorry, I was a bit slow. See you then, Doctor. It wasn't your fault, remember that, ok? It wasn't your fault and d'you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world."


"I said I'd protect her. She was here because of me and you're sorry. I could have killed the Dalek in its cell but you stopped me."

"It was the prize of my collection."

"The prize of your collection! Well, was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Rose? Let me tell you something, mankind goes into space to make something greater, to explore.."

"Exactly I wanted to touch the stars!"

"You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground, underneath tons of sand and dirt and label them. You're about as far away from the stars as you can get and you took her down with you. She was 19 years old."


"Daleks do not fear. Must not fear. You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated."


"What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?"

"I killed her once I can't do it again."


"What you gonna do throw your - A Levels at them?"


"My function is to kill. What am I? What am I?"


"I want... freedom."


"That thing killed hundreds of people."

"It's not the one pointing the gun at me ."


"And what about you, Doctor? What the hell are you changing into?"

"I couldn't... I wasn't... oh, Rose. They're all dead."

"Why do we survive?"

"I don't know."

"I am the last of the Daleks."


"I can... feel. So many ideas, so much darkness. Give me orders, order me to die."

"I can't do that."

"This is not life. This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey! Obey!"

"Do it."

"Are you frightened, Rose Tyler?"


"So am I. Exterminate."


"Is that the end of it The Time War?"

"I'm the only one left. I win. How about that?"

"The Dalek survived. Maybe some of your people did too."

"I'd know in here. Feels like there's no one."


"Adam says that all his life he wanted to see the stars."

"Tell him to go stand outside then."

"He's all on his own doctor. And he did help."

"He left you there!"

"So did you."

"What're you talking about? We've got to leave!"

"Plus he's a bit pretty..."

"I hadn't noticed.."

"Alright. On your head be it."


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