"We do not eat cake here." Endeavor announced as if it was the most normal thing on earth.

"Aww, why not?" Hawks questioned.

"Heroes need protein, not sugar." Endeavor insisted.

"Surely Shouto-kun would enjoy it?" Hawks offered, smiling nervously.

"Shouto is not allowed sweet things like that. He needs protein." Endeavor explained.

"You saying the kid has never had cake?"

"It's not good for him. Now, if you don't mind, I have work to attend to." Endeavor snapped.

"Ah, of course. Being No.2 must be very difficult. Well, I'll see ya around!" Hawks left the room gladly, not wanting to spend a moment longer in there. He cursed his younger self for looking up to such a gruff, rude man. 'Why?' he would ask past Hawks. There's got to be a time travel quirk out there somewhere, he thought humorously.

As he past through the hallways, his keen hearing picked up on small sniffles coming from a discreet room at the end of the hall. He carefully approached the door, heart shattering at the suppressed cries; it was the most desperate sound he'd ever heard from a human, and that's saying something considering he was a pro hero.

"Hello?" Hawks called out, knocking on the door, quiet enough so Endeavor would not hear but the occupant would. It slid open slowly, revealing Shouto. Although they were not currently teared up, Hawks could see the red rings framing those mis-matched eyes.

"Hawks-san?" The teen sounded surprised, as if he didn't expect someone to be concerned about his crying.

"Can I come in?" Hawks asked instead of exlaining his presence. Shouto nodded minutely, stepping aside to let the hero in. Hawks was shocked by just how bare the room was. No indication of the personality it's owner had. Traditional, plain, lonely.

"Did you need something?" Shouto asked politely.

"I don't think your okay." Hawks' golden eyes narrowed in on a bundle of bandages that had seemingly been stuffed under the futon in a hurry.

"I'm fine." Shouto insisted, not so subtly moving to block Hawks' view of the futon.

"Really, Shouto-kun?" Hawks questioned softly. For a second, the teen's expressionless mask cracked before smoothing over.

"Yes." Shouto said, but his tone was lacking the conviction.

"Then, what's on your back?" Hawks asked.

"I already told you; nothing." Shouto shot back.

"Shouto-kun, please, I want to help." Hawks whispered, leaning forward. "I won't tell your father, if that's what your worried about." The pro did have his sneaking suspicions that Endeavor has something to do with this.

"I-uh- have homework to do." Shouto announced quietly, eyes darting nervously around his room.

"Please, Shouto-kun." Hawks pleaded. Tears welled in Shouto's eyes, on the brink of falling but refusing to spill over.

"I-it's n-nothing." The teen stuttered, giving away his lie.

"Please..." Hawks begged again.

"My father just disciplined me, that's all." Shouto whispered, rubbing at his arm.

"How?" Hawks prompted softly. His concern was growing larger and larger as this conversation went on.

"W-whipping..." Shouto admitted eventually. Hawks suppressed a gasp. He'd known it from the instant he saw the marks, but for it to be confirmed was horrfying.

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