chapter 2

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Am really sorry if the scenes are not properly detailed, am really trying my best here😪
Anyways am excited to be writing my 2nd chapter and I really hope I give y'all a good view of the Maasai culture. Xo

It was now three weeks since my sister gave me a whole lecture on how I should never mention school to anyone.
To be honest I did not want the word reaching my father so I definitely knew better than to mention it to anyone.

I was finally ready for the so called wedding ceremony and it will be happening in four days.

Am sitting on my bed now thinking of the worse that could happen if I approached my dad and tell him that I did not want to marry the old man. Am definitely not naïve enough to think that he'd just let it pass and cancel the wedding, but at the same time I did not want to just walk in to it like its something I wanted. I might as well let him know that I had other plans for my now crumbling future.

I slowly got down from my small bed and headed to meet my father. To say I was nervous would be an understatement, my inside was literally screaming at me to stop this stupid idea of talking to father.

"G..good afternoon father.." My voice was really betraying me right now.

"What do you want Naneu?" There came the voice I feared more than anything else in this world.

" I..I don't want to get marr..."
The sting on my left cheek stopped me from finishing the sentence. I knew this would happen. I knew he'd beat me again. I knew I had no choice in this. But I still had to push the buttons.

"Who gave you such confidence?" That I didn't even know the answer. "Get out of my sight before I beat you into a pulp. How dare you stand before me telling me what you want and what you don't want?" I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Why was this man so cruel. Rather why was I even born in such a community.

"You don't have much of a choice. So you better get up and start getting yourself ready for your soon to be husband" he continued to yell as I now walked back to my room.

Immediately I closed the door behind me I heard it open revealing a very pissed off stepmother.

" I..I'm.." I did not have the time to explain anything before I felt my father's leather belt make contact with my skin.

You would think that by now I'd be used to such beatings.

"How dare you try and shame me like that? Now your father thinks I don't teach you any manners." The beating went on and on. I knew better than to cry for help. That would only earn me more beating. I think she finally got tired since she just stopped out of the room leaving me to cry my eyes out.

This are the times where I can't help but wonder if things would have been different if my mother was still alive. Okay I know not even her could stop the marriage but I was tired of all this people hurting me. I felt like I didn't have a voice in this house. I felt like a complete outsider.

Running a way from all this has been crossing my mind off late, but where would I go. I've literally never been out off this village. I didn't even know where my older sister lived. My sister. No. Running off to her would even be of no point. She would just scold me and remind me how I had no choice because I was a girl. Okay now they even made me wish I was a boy.

Deciding that running away was not an option I finally curled up on the floor, since my whole body was aching from the severe beating, and closed my eyes to sleep.

Let me just make this clear, Maasai girls and women are not allowed to question decisions made by men. To a point I'd say there's literally no relationship between a father and a daughter. But yes, we are in the 21st century and they are really trying to loosen up I'd say. All this because women are now getting educated and of course we are voicing out our concerns.

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