xxii - 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘦

Start from the beginning

So, as she made her way through into the main foyer of the house – Verity set the bags down with a deep burdening breath of air, removing her coffee coloured coat and hanging it up on the rack by the large front door. She was about to take the bags to her secret stash area in her bedroom when Tommy appeared from the study, his eyes cold and surveying in that usual fashion were it felt impossible to assess what was going on in his mind.

"Been shopping?" he remarked dryly, as Verity let out a deep sigh. There was no use in trying to keep it a secret anymore, she'd have to come clean soon anyway when she sent out invites.

"Its for Charlie's birthday." Verity whispered, an honest look in her eyes. "Tommy, he told me he wasn't looking forwards to his birthday. He said nothing ever happens." She delivered the last part with some bitterness and badly concealed disappointment.

"If no one else was going to make the time for him then I will."

She was about to take the bags off upstairs when Tommy stepped in and took hold of them for her, his unreadable and rather unfeeling expression from before having thawed somewhat.

"I appreciate this Verity." Tommy offered, standing in front of her. His blue eyes drifted to the floor beneath them. "I haven't exactly made the time I should've done for Charlie in the past."

She could sense his hurt but it didn't excuse the fact he was surely going to do it again if she hadn't of stepped in to take control of things.

"Tommy, at the end of your day – your work, your businesses – they are there all 365 days of the year." Verity pressed, a concerned look in her hazel eyes as he looked on at her with sort of subtle earnest that he was drawing it all in.

"Your son is growing up fast, he has one day every single year to feel special. Just for one day, make him your only priority." She said, her tone softening when she could see the hurt creeping in again. The Tommy that ever now and again would get in touch with his emotions and connect with other people's feelings – a side of him he probably usually ignored or withdrew from just to stand a chance of not being hurt or betrayed by those around him.

She decided not to dwell on it, it was better to push on and hope now he would make a better effort for his son.

"Could you take those bags into the study please?" she asked gently, "If it's okay? I was going to start wrapping."

Then came some words she wasn't ever expecting to hear.

"Alright, I'll help if you'd like."

She had to smile, Tommy Shelby wrapping up gifts wasn't exactly a strong image that leapt into her mind. She decided not to say anything just yet, for all she knew he could be a master of wrapping.


With all the gifts she had amassed strewn across the desk, floor and leather couch in Tommy's office – Verity realised she might have gone slightly overboard on the gifts.

"Fucking hell Verity..." Tommy sighed, "How much did all this cost?"

She faltered, shaking her head.

"I don't even know anymore but it doesn't matter," she said confidently, "All that matters is Charlie is getting the birthday he deserves."

She wanted to make it clear that she didn't want to get into politics about Tommy offering to pay for some of the things. The money spent was not an issue to her, she just wanted to make a young boy smile on his birthday.

Pulling out some wrapping paper from one of the bags, Verity tossed a roll at Tommy along with a small ring of adhesive tape. The blinder caught the two items and stared down at them, frown on his face and cigarette hanging precariously from his lips.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐄 ♚ 𝙩. 𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙗𝙮Where stories live. Discover now