Chapter 49: The Love We Wanted

Start from the beginning

The twin lowers his head. "...But she was ours."

"No Kei," I put my hand on his shoulder, albeit gently. "She is her's."

Silence roars over the room, the empty sky twinkling with tears we knew better then to shed. I couldn't bare the thought of remaining in this cell much longer, those memories resurfacing like tidal ways over rocky shores. Clenching my fists, I turn away from him, itching to get out the door.

With no more replies coming my way, I move back towards the exit. This maintenance check could definitely be left for another year.


"Hm?" I turn back once more, the twin standing solemnly by the crack in the wall.

"The way you spoke about her," His eyes darken. "Makes it sound like you've seen her recently.

I seize up, but I'm smarter than to show it. 

"Let it go, Kei. If not for your sake, for hers."

"Then you do know--!"

A massive 'clang' sound goes off down the hall, Kei and I's hand on our weapons, ready to draw. However, only a messenger garbed in white comes into the room--slightly alarmed.

"Sir Spades," He gulps, only relieved after we retract our weapons. "Miss Angelique is looking for you. She says it's urgent."

"Well," Kei taunts. "Go on, be the puppy that goldilocks looking bitch has turned you into."

I scowl at him, quickly leaving the dark-haired man to toil in his bitterness, 50 stories above the ground. 


Nearing the Lavender dining hall, I can't help but wonder Angelique's reasoning as to why she's sent a summons so late. The Lavender dining hall was notorious for being an area only used by the higher ups to keep their meetings sealed tighter than a can of apricots. The way there is a dark and fairly  unused, but it's interior is stylish, fit for the ministers that frequent it's golden sun chairs and maroon lounges.

I wait by the door for the petite, golden haired woman to let me in. 

However, something (someone) else greets me, to a mix of shock and surprise.

"Uncle Shovel!" A squeal comes from below my waist. "I missed you."

I'm starstruck. Latched around my waist is the star that crossed my sky, supposedly to never reach my eyes again. I pick her up, the small body clinging to me.

"Clover." I scoff. "How... Where did you-?"

"Oho." Comes a snarky chuckle. "So, you really do know her. Who's the lucky man who snagged your sister?"

Angelique lounges on one of the generously gold adorned sun chair, her modest white gown draping over the embroidered fabric of three or more pillows. She tips her sunglasses at me, a curious glint in her bright eyes.


"Is there a reason this little lass has been wailing for you, Spades?"

"Is there a reason your wearing sunglasses indoors, Angelique?" I bite back.

There's a tug on my collar.

"Don't be mean to angel lady." Clover grins. "She saved me from the scary man. They want to find Ricky."

"Spades." Angelique sits poised, but with a stern look. "I'd like an explanation." 

"Well, I can't give you one. And I need to return Clover to her mother."

"You mean Deam?"

Double shit.

"Don't look so surprised, Spades." She rolls her eyes. "Her hair is similar if not the same as Deam's when I last saw her all those years ago. And Clover? Odd name choice, unless your best friend's name was of a similar scheme. Double odd how she called out for you coincidentally. And those eyes."

She pauses.

"I can only guess who's the father."

"Angelique, she's just a child."

"You think I can't see that?"

"I don't know what Atlas will do if he finds out of her existence." There's a slight tremor in my voice, and I hate it. "This child deserves a good life."

Angelique nods. "I agree."

"You do?"

"By the God, Spades, I've done some shitty things in my life, murdering children is and will not be one of them. Especially not Deam's." Her speech slows. "Deam deserves a good life too."

Clover holds me tighter. It's evident she's never heard of her mother's past, otherwise she wouldn't look so uncertain. The innocence in her eyes, it sparkles so brightly with warmth and love--it was almost impossible to believe her mother at the same age lacked any capacity to shine the same way. 

Deam had given this child a good life, so different from what she had. 

This was the love Deam was capable of giving this whole time, we just didn't bother seeing it because it's not what we wanted.

"Spades..." Angelique looks at me with pity. "Get the girl back to her mother. Quickly. Tell Deam to stay far away from Stellarium."

Suddenly, the floor beneath us begins to shake and rumble. Thick debris must've been crashing on the roof to have created as much noise that followed, accompanied by the yells and shrieks of god-knows-who outside. Gunshots can be heard, the resonance of ricochets filling my ear drums to the brink. 

I hold Clover tighter.

"Well, looks like home delivery is out of the question." Angelique grimaces. "The home has come to you."

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