"Okay so does that mean we can put him on the case again" I asked him confused. "YES Jordan put him back on the case" he spoke. "Thank you Wilson, I will let him know" I told him hanging up.

I looked at the time on my analogue watch that was on my desk and it was one in the evening and it was time for me to go on my lunch and go and also check up on kaylib.

I told my assistant to hold all unnecessary calls and divert the important ones over to my personal cell phone.

I drove to the nearest Macdonalds and got two meals for both me and kaylib before driving to his hotel that was not that far from the police department and also the Macdonald that I had just came from.

Malaysia P.O.V.

"Dont worry ladies I will cover the bill" I said flashing out the black card my husband gave me."Okay laysia we see you with them black cards" my friend autumn said.

"oh well what can I say my husband loves me" I bragged giving the waiter my card and telling him to tip himself.

"it's so beautiful to see a black couple thriving in this world" Jennifer said drinking her red wine. "I know right, Tyler and I try to show other couples that its possible to work together and have a happy marriage" I told the girls and they all nodded thier heads.

"I am happy my brother met you and grew out of his gay stage" my sister in law draya said smiling at me. "glad I could help him grow out of it" I said finishing the last of my champagne

"being gay is not a stage, It's who you are you don't choose to be you are born gay" Jennifer said.

"girl tell that to a black mother,okay" draya says. "I know I am white but I honestly don't get why yall got to be homophobic" Jennifer argued.

"okay ladies , Jenny we are not homophobic its just in black households being gay is taboo" I told her calmly.

"I swear If my son came out as gay imma sent him to a conversion camp" Kenya interjects. "to be honest I wouldn't have a issue" I said and Kenya and draya dramatically gasped while Jennifer gave me a high five.

"Also Draya you don't grow out being gay, maybe Tyler is just bi-sexual" Jennifer said. " Bitch you reaching my mans is as stright as a ruler" I defended Tyler.

Kaylib P.O.V.

lying in my bed and thinking about what Tyler had just confessed to me yesterday. I didn't even know how to feel about it because he is a married man.

On top of all that he was the prime suspect of the case that I am or was secretly working on and also I am lying to him about why I am actually back in New York.

My life was just a mess since I arrived here. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Go away" I yelled loud enough for whoever was behind the door to hear me.

"Hey its Demetrius open the door, please" he begged and I walked over the mirror to check how I looked before going to open the door.

It was safe to say that I looked like a mess. "Come on in, Sorry for the mess" I said as he walked him with two Macdonald's carry bags. "Cool" he said sitting the bags on the table.

"I came to check up on you." he told me. "Thanks but you didn't have to, I am not that sick just personal problems" I told him eating my burger.

"care to share" he asked eating his fries. "Nah not yet" I told him.

We continued to eat in silence while watching Netflix and we were watching blood and water. it fascinated me how much drama those high school students had.

"Anyway I had good news" he said breaking the silence. "Care to share I mimicked his voice and we laughed. "I don't sound like that" he said laughing and choking on his own saliva. "Yes you do especially when you are pissed off" I told him smiling.

"whatever bro" he said. "So what are the good news you have for me".

"So the mayor called and said that we can put you back on the case" he told me smiling.

"that's great but I actually want out of the case" I told him scratching my head with my messy hair. "Wait why" he asked me both confused and surprised. "I dont think I can do it anymore" I told him.

"okay wait how about you sleep on it and gimme your answer tomorrow" he proposed. "Ayt" I told Demetrius as I walked him to the door.

"oh you have something here" he said as he took his thumb and removed the residue of the sauce from the burger. "thanksv" I said blushing. "think about it" he said.

Trevor P.O.V

"okay so what's 7×7 equals to" I asked my daughter helping her with homework. "49" she answered quickly.

"good girl know write it down" I told her. before I could go to the next question my phone started ringing and it was Tyler.

"I am helping Egypt with homework what's going on" I asked him annoyed.

"that girls is already a millionaire she dont need education" he said . "Bro what's going on I need to get back to my daughter" I semi yelled.

"Ayt since you is tripping I will tell you tomorrow, go help my god daughter with her homework" he said and I hung up.

there were times where I felt like Tyler treated me like a employee more than a business partner.

At first I was okay with it but he started doing it regularly. I mean I love my friend but sometimes he just gets to my nerves.

I am a single father of my daughter. Her mother is alive but she doesn't have a relationship with our daughter because she ran away literally a day after she was born.

She left me for some rich rapper who is now run down .no one knows where they went to but I just hope that she doesn't come back in our lives ever again.

I am Trevor Cunningham.

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