Chapter 1 - Who is it

Start from the beginning

Hinata's parents used to live in America together before his mom had to come back to Japan for some unknown reason to Hinata. After they came back Hinata and his mother, Himawari, was pregnant with Natsu. The family still talks to their father who lives in America. Shoyo's father owns several companies and sends money over so Himawari doesn't have to work.

(AN: I couldn't find her name. If you know it please comment and I'll fix it. Himawari means Sunflower in Japanese, I thought it was fitting since Shoyo means Sun and Natsu means Born in Summer or Summer. I was going with the summer theme and came up with Himawari.)

Daichi and Suga acted like the team dad and mom. Ennoshita was also like the team's bigger sibling. He was responsible and tried to control the team as best as he could. He was always helping Daichi and Suga too.

He was the oldest first year on the team so most of the team was excited for his birthday. Although it was during a holiday break, they would be at the two week training camp in Tokyo during his birthday. The teams were going to be celebrating at the training camp.

Most of the team still didn't know what he was planning on for his mark. They had been trying to get it out of him for months now. Hinata has given them hints to like, 'It can fly' 'it flies like a bird' and even 'It's Karasuno's nickname.'

Hinata was wondering if his team was full of Dense idiots.

Well the only ones who haven't really asked were Tsuikishima, Daichi and Suga. Hinata could tell only four people knew what it was, those being the three who hadn't asked and Yamaguchi

Kageyama and some of the second years would start random conversations with him yet they never were able to get what it was.

They didn't even know his other soulmates mark, besides the third years, the one on his right foot. His mother, Daichi, Suga, Asahi and sister were the only ones who saw it. It's not even like he hides it, people just don't look for soulmate marks there since they're popular on wrist and arms. Even the shoulder or collar bones are popular.

Hinata hasn't even hidden it from them, they just never paid attention. Everyone on the team except for Tsukishima, Kageyama, Yachi, Kiyoko, and Yumaguchi has their soulmate's mark. All the first years except for Hinata basically.

Hinata starts to suspect that Yachi has hers, she just hasn't told anybody. Hinata had asked her once and she just turns into a stuttering mess and starts to panic.

The team, except the third years, never asked Hinata if he had his mark so he never told anyone on the team, except the third years.

Hinata was doing the assessment with ease since it was his English class, They had to fill out a few papers on basic sentence structure. The stuff he learned back in second and third grade. It kinda came easy to him.

Hinata heard the bell and raced out of class, he quickly ran to the club room to put his practice clothes on.

They've been practicing harder since Nationals were soon. 3 months to be exact. 3 months of Teams all around Tokyo getting better each and every day.

Hinata got ready, he was putting his shirt on when the second years entered the club room.

"Hello Senpai's," Hinata yelled out to the second year.

"Hello Hinata~Kun" "Shoyo~Kun" "Hinata!" he got back.

Hinata talked with his Senpai's as the rest of the team walked in. Hinata sat on the bench and switched his socks and shoes. Hinata and Suga locked eyes when Hinata took his right sock off.

"Hinata!" Suga said, trying to get the team to look at Hinata, his advances failing.

"Yes Suga?"

"Are you excited about your 16th birthday? It's coming up in a week!" Suga said, this caused everyone to stop talking and look at Hinata and Suga.

"Yes Suga~San! Since we're leaving tomorrow for the training camps my mom and sister are having a small party tonight with some of my old friends from Elementary and Middle School!" Hinata said with excitement. A few of his old american friends would be coming. He video chats them weekly, his old friend group would be coming. It was a small group of four, excluding Hinata, Including Hinata would make 5.

"That's wonderful Hinata!"

"I can ask my mom if I can invite the Volleyball team! Let me text her really quick! We can even all stay at my house! It should be big enough." Hinata said while typing on his phone.

"That would be amazing Hinata! How about you guys?" Suga asked the team. Everyone showed signs of approval.

"My mom said yes! I hope you guys don't mind the long walk. It's a 30 mile walk." Hinata said jumping in excitement!

"Wait," Daichi said, clapping his hands to get attention, "there must have been closer schools Hinata!"

"Correct! I just really wanted to go to Karasuno so I started getting better stamina and riding my bike over the mountain. Biking can take anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour depending on how fast I go. I can sometimes make it in 25 if I'm lucky." Hinata said, impressing everyone.

"We will all go to Hinatas in a group. Hinata do you have clothes for all of us?"

"I should! I have some clothes from when my friends back in middle school slept over and there's also some of my dad's old things!" Hinata said looking at everyone.

"Alright then it's time for practice." Daichi said, leading the excited teens out of the club room.

Today for practice Hinata was wearing his Volleyball shoes and a pair of short socks. His soulmates mark on display as usual.

They were practicing receives, Hinata, Noya and Daichi were on the receiving side as Kageyama walked up to serve. Hinata went after the ball and was able to receive it startling everyone.

Everyone stared at Hinata as the ball fell to the floor by his right foot. Noya looked at the ball and saw his mark.

Hinata got many yells of encouragement as Noya seemed to stare at his ankle. He finally understood what that mark was.

"HINATA!" Noya yelled, startling everyone yet again.

"Yes Senpai?"

"You never told us you had your mark." Noya said, pointing to Hinata's right foot. The Karasuno team looked at Hinata's ankle to see a small cat and a bird.

"Well no one asked except Daichi~Senpai, Suga~Senpai and Asahi~Senpai" responded Hinata calmly.

Hinata looked at everyone as they continued to stare at him. Hinata shrugged his shoulders before picking up the ball and practiced not dropping the ball.

Kageyama walked over to Hinata and grabbed his shoulders causing Hinata to drop the ball again.

"Bakayama! Why'd~ you do that" Hinata said, dragging out the Why'd.

"How long have you had your soulmate mark?"

"Since I was barely 15. Why?" Hinata questioned.

The whole team was shocked. The third years knew he had the mark but hadn't known for the amount of time he's had it.

Hinata heard a few gasps, some shouting 'That Long' and 'What does it look like'. He even got a 'Do you know who your soulmate is'. That last question shut everyone up.

That went through everyone's mind, 'Who was Hinata's soulmate?'

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