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I was running as fast as I could. I knew that I had to get away. I had to get to Jacob. He was my only chance. He was our only chance. I just had to keep running no matter what, I had to keep running. If I didn't get to Jacob, I would be next. I was terrified, when they came for us. Mom and dad, sacrificed themselves to save me. To let me escape. I didn't wasn't to leave them but I knew that I had to. Mom told me to get to Jake no matter what that also meant that I couldn't get caught I couldn't die I only hopped that I reached Jake in time I remembered that we had gotten separated from aunt Alice and uncle jasper aunt rose and uncle Emmett had gone another direction with grandma Esme and grandpa Carlisle. I hope that they made it out. I couldn't be the only one left I just couldn't, but as of right now as far as I know I'm the only one left...

I don't know how long I had been running but I think I was now in Indiana. I was on a darkened street there were no cars so I decided to walk in the middle of the road as if It couldn't get any worse it id it started raining. Just my luck I didn't stop to find a place to stay for the night I just kept walking my legs started to feel heavy bit I couldn't stop now I couldn't risk it. I couldn't risk getting found I was able to walk twenty miles before my legs gave out from underneath me. I tried to stand but I fell back to the ground. I sat there in the mud for five minutes before trying to stand again. The rain started pouring and I had to get my legs working. I had to get out of the rain I stood up and my legs wobbled I started walking down the street again. I was walking and walking it felt like forever who know how long I was walking.

I jumped out of the way when I heard a car honk at me. The man took off in a hurry after I got out of the way. I continued to walk, and I stopped when I came across an abandoned house. I walked onto the porch and placed my hand on the door knob. I stopped and stood still so that I could hear if there was anyone or anything inside of this house. To see if something decided to take refuge here other than me. I took a deep breath and listened. I could hear the rain hitting the road and the wood of the porch hitting the roof and then sliding down soon hitting the ground below. I could hear trees blowing in the wind that came with the rain after hearing everything outside. I focused on listening from inside the house all I heard were a few rats. I opened the door and walked in the rats all raced to hide inside of the walls.

No one had been in this home for a while now, it was only the rats. This was their home I was entering their home. I wished I had a home right now, but I did it was just states away in Washington. I looked down at my watch and saw that it was 2 am. I had been running for about two days maybe three. No wonder I was so tired I found a bedroom and I checked the bed before falling onto it. It was not as comfortable as the bed that I had slept on when I was with my family bit it would do for no. I wondered what was happening to my parents right now. Were they in pain? Were they dead? Where would they have been taken? Are they being tested? All of these questions ran through my head, as my eyes slowly started to close.

I woke up to something crawling on my stomach. It was a rat. I flung it off of me and it landed across the room from me. I looked at my watch and saw that I had slept for two days. I was out for two days I couldn't believe that I slept that long. What if they had figured out where I was? What if they were close by? I had to get out of here and fast. But I was still so tired. I had to get out. I got up slowly my muscles trying to resist the order I was giving them. I slowly made my way out of this strange bed and went out to the porch. The sun was high in the sky, I looked down at my arm. At that moment I wished that I was like my parents. Mom. Dad. I wish that I could sparkle. Then mom's voice whispered in my ears. "You are more beautiful than anything in this world. " I smiled and started walking. Great more walking. I looked at my watch to see what time it was so that I could monitor how long I walked. It was a few minutes past two in the afternoon. I sped up my pace. It was a pretty day out so I guess that's food. Although there was nothing I was in the middle of nowhere at the moment. Everything started to become a blur. I was hungry and I was tired. I guess sleeping for two days didn't help much. Although I am pretty sure it was only because I was thirsty and hungry.

The Moon Will Rise at Sun DownWhere stories live. Discover now