Chapter Thirty-Five: First Battle Of A War

Start from the beginning

"The enemy of our enemy," Roland says.

"Who. Did. WHAT! To. Us," the vampire yelled, her eyes flashing red.

"The Guys In White do not care about the battle between light and dark," White tells them. "As long as you have magic, they will come after you. They don't care about good magic or bad magic, light or dark, old or young, demon or mystic. If you use magic, they will go after you even if you had never done a single thing to warrant it."

"Demons might do a lot to deserve being vanquished, but this is just wrong," Roland says. "And this is coming from me, a hybrid that demons take sick pleasure in hunting down."

"The Guys In White want to kill us all," Danny tells them. "As long as you have magic, that makes you a target for them."

This seemed to get them on the same side, even if they all knew any alliance between good and evil would never last for long. There is hardly anything that makes both sides agree on anything. The one thing that always does, and that is a threat to magic itself.

Then, they heard weapons charging. They all turned to see the GIW agents aiming their anti-magic guns at them. If the demons were not convinced that they allied with the wrong type of people before, they sure were now.

"Finally," Conner cracked his knuckles. "I've been waiting to do this."

"Same as the rest of us," Garth agreed.

"Get back in your pods before we are forced to..." Operative O started.

"Screw this, let's fight," the vampire snapped.

She sped forward and punched one of the agents right in the neck, making him stumble backward.

"Should have known she would be the first to make a move," Roland said.

Energy bullets started flying around as the heroes and magical beings all started fighting. Siren blasted a large number of them back with a sonic scream.

"Time to come out and play," Roland says.

He held two gemstones. A topaz and amethyst. He threw them up and two of his crystal beasts. The topaz became the white and black tiger once again. The amethyst turned into another jungle cat, this time it was a pink panther. And I do not mean the old cartoon. It was a literal pink panther, only with amethyst sharps around its neck, ankles, and crystals as its claws.

"That is so cool," Gar cheered when he saw them.

Roland smirked as his jungle cats started attacking agents.

The nymph was doing her own magic as the jungle cats passed her. She had to do a double-take because the creatures were strange to her, but went back to fighting because her life was more important than staring at strange animals. She caused the grass to quickly grow under the feet of a few agents. With a swipe of her hand, the grass pulled them right off their feet. It looked like they had a rug pulled out from under their feet as they flipped onto their backs or stomachs.

"People always underestimate the grass beneath their feet," she smirked.

But then a few agents that had not been pulled off their feet aimed at her. They fired their guns at her. Their energy bullets and black pearl narrowly missed her. She could feel the wind wiz passed her as she had some very close calls with the bullets. That was when the witch took her turn when she saw that.

"Try but you will never harm her, buried under suits of armor," she cast.

Poofs of purple smoke appeared above the agents. Out of each smoke cloud came a silver metal suit of armor. The agents all ran for cover and scattered as the armors fell around them. The metal crashed and the armor broke into pieces.

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