"I WIN!!"

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Third POV

After talking for a while, it was made clear that Sabo could no longer stay close to the Grey Terminal, in fear that the Bluejam pirates might find him and kill him. So the four kids agreed that it was best for Sabo to live in the same place where the other three were staying with the bandits. Ever since then, all four of them were inseparable. Everyday Ace, Sabo and Luffy would leave the bandits, taking (Y/n) with them. But it was more like Luffy dragging the young girl away from the bandits.

Everyday they would go into the woods to train. They would run, jump, fight the animals and even fight each other. Luffy would always try and beat Sabo or Ace, but in every fight Ace or Sabo would win. The problem was that the boys did not want to fight (Y/n). 

"Why won't you fight me?!" (Y/n) yelled at the boys

"You are too young to even fight!" Ace yelled at her

"That doesn't make sense! Luffy and I are the same age!" (Y/n) said

"It's not the same!" Ace yelled

"You won't fight me because you know I'll beat you!!"

"As if!! I could beat you like I did with the crybaby!!"

"I'm not a crybaby!!" Luffy yelled, interrupting the conversation of the two.

"Shut up!!" Ace yelled at Luffy

"(Y/n), the reason we won't fight you is because you're a girl." Sabo said to the girl

"That is just stupid!! Grandma told me to never underestimate an enemy!! If you turn your back on someone, they will not hesitate to harm or kill you!!" (Y/n) said to them

"Fine!! But once I beat you don't go crying!" Ace yelled at the girl.

Both Ace and (Y/n) got ready to fight. (Y/n) put her arms out in front of her, and she made her stance by widening the space between her feet on the ground as she prepared herself. Ace did the opposite; he had his long pipe on his side and he had a relaxed stance, looking like he was not that interested in the fight. The first to throw an attack was Ace; coming close to (Y/n) to hit her on the right side of her head, but she dodged the pipe with an amazing speed. (Y/n) then kicked with her left leg, aiming to hit Ace's hands that were holding the pipe. The kick made him loose his grip and let the pipe fall to the ground. 

(Y/n) did not waste any time and then tried to punch Ace in the face. He moved backwards; jumping back to avoid the punch. Ace tried to roundhouse kick the girl, but (Y/n) moved away. Ace did not stop his attacks, he kept throwing them one after the other. (Y/n) could only keep moving back to evade the punches and kicks coming from Ace. Then, (Y/n) suddenly tripped on her own feet and fell down on her back. As she was now laying flat on the ground, Ace came down to her to give her a punch to the face, but he stopped his fist just when he was about to hit; close to her eyes. 

"I win." Ace said with a smug smile.

"Gotcha." (Y/n) said to the boy that was on top of her. Ace hadn't noticed that the pipe that he let go of was now next to (Y/n) on the ground. (Y/n) used the pipe and hit Ace on the head, making him fall on the ground with a bump on his head. (Y/n) stood up and pressed the pipe on Ace's head to keep him down on the ground. Ace looked up at the girl with an angry expression, but (Y/n) only held a smile on her face.

"I win!!" (Y/n) yelled 

"That was so cool!!" Luffy yelled with stars in his eyes while looking at the girl

"Then that means 1 win for (Y/n) and 0 for Ace!" Sabo said while writing down the score on a board

"So that makes Luffy vs Ace 0 - 50, in favor of Ace. Luffy vs Me 0 - 50 in my favor. Me vs Ace 24 - 26 in Ace's favor. And (Y/n) vs Ace 1 - 0, (Y/n) with the win." Sabo said the scores for everyone to hear.

"You just got lucky, you brat!!" Ace yelled at (Y/n)

"That's what you think! I won fair and square!!" (Y/n) yelled back at Ace

"Ace got beat by a girl~! Ace got beat by a girl~!" Luffy repeated over and over again

"Shup Up!! It's not funny!!" Ace yelled at Luffy, his face turning red 

"Hahahaha!! It is kinda funny!!" Sabo laughed at his friend

"No it's not!!" Ace tells Sabo, his face turning even more red

"Don't worry Ace!! I'm sure you'll get better if you train even more!!" (Y/n) said to Ace

"You beat me one time! and it was our first fight!! So don't get cocky!! Next time I will beat you and win!!" Ace told (Y/n)

"We'll see~" (Y/n) told them 

"You know what!! Let's go again!! I'll beat you this time!" Ace said, moving to start another fight

"Fine by me! Let's go!" (Y/n) said as she also got ready to fight 

Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted the sound of Luffy's stomach rumbling. This made Ace and (Y/n) stop and look at the boy with the straw hat.

"I guess it's time to go find some food." Sabo said

 So, the four of them went further into the woods and into a lake. There they found a crocodile. It was a big one; reaching around 7 feet long.

"How does crocodile meat sound for lunch?" Ace asked the other three who were beside him. 

"I can already taste the meat~" Luffy said, his mouth salivating with anticipation

"You ready?" Sabo asked them

"Wait! I don't have a weapon!" (Y/n) told the boys 

"Too bad for you girly! Come on, lets go Sabo!" Ace said, going down to fight 

"What about me, Ace?!" Luffy said, running after the boys 

"Don't do anything stupid you three!! Also Luffy, don't use your powers too much!! You'll hit yourself with your own punches!!" (Y/n) yelled at the youngest of the three

"Shut up!! No I won't!!" Luffy yelled back at her, to right then get punch in the face by his own fist as he tried to punch the crocodile

"Ah~ I have idiots for friends..." (Y/n) said to herself in a small whisper-like voice



I am sorry for not updating this book. I have been focusing on my Lookism book and on my studies. This book will be on a hiatus, but that does not mean I will stop writing it. I'll leave the book on this chapter and maybe once I take a break from the Lookism book I'll update this one.

I really wanted to update two books at the same time but I guess I can only focus on one at a time. 

Thank you all for reading, maybe this book will come back sooner than I think.


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