A Promise

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Proof/Edited by: ethereal_hearts3


A few days went by and (Y/n) was feeling better. During those few days, the boys went back and forth to the inner ring causing trouble to all the citizens. On this particular day, Ace, Sabo and Luffy were running away from a restaurant because they didn't pay for their food. While on the run, a man started shouting at Sabo; saying that he should return home.

(Y/n) was back in the forest. She was sitting near the entrance of the inner ring under a tree as she waited for her friends to come back. Just at the right moment, all three of the boys exited out of the big gates in a sprint straight towards the woods. They ran past the small girl, ignoring her existence. (Y/n) just stared at the three boys trying to figure out what they were running from. Just then, at the edge of the gates, there was a man screaming. The man had a tux, a top hat and a weird mustache.

'He looks like a noble... Wait, don't tell me these idiots got caught!' (Y/n) analyzed  the situation in front of her and decided to get out of there before she too got in some kind of mess.

Running in the same direction as her friends, (Y/n) could hear the man's screams get smaller and she could finally understand what he was yelling.


~Time Skip~

As she got closer to where Sabo, Ace and Luffy finally stopped running, (Y/n) could hear some yelling from Ace. Upon reaching her destination, she could see Ace pulling at Sabo's shirt and getting on his face. 

"Come on!! We promised not to keep secrets!!" Ace yelled at Sabo.

"What's going on?" (Y/n) asked the group, trying to calm the rage in the freckled boy.

"I'll tell you everything. I am the son of a noble." Sabo finally told his friends, expecting the worst.

"So?" Luffy asked.

"Does it even matter?" Ace added to the conversation.

"It's okay! We are still friends!" (Y/n) said to calm Sabo down.

"You guys don't get it! They only saw me as a tool to get into the royal family by getting married, and if I wasn't doing my studies then I was useless to them!" Sabo explained his frustration, letting out his emotions after so long.

"It doesn't matter to us! You will still be our Sabo! You are brave, dedicated and the best of all you boys!" (Y/n) told the boy, making the other two mad.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Ace yelled at her.

"Thanks, (Y/n). You know, I really want to explore the world. To go out to sea and be free. That's why we all have to leave and have our own adventures! To become pirates!" Sabo expressed himself, motivating everyone around him.

"You don't have to tell me that! I'll become an awesome pirate that no one can defeat!! Just you wait!!" Ace yelled to himself, walking closer to a cliff that was nearby.

Luffy then went near the cliff and also yelled something, surprising the two boys and the girl. Ace and Sabo started laughing at the younger boy's antics and his active imagination.

"I might not become a pirate, but I do hope that you all achieve your dreams." (Y/n) told them.

"Don't worry, if you're stuck with Luffy, your reputation might cause you to become a pirate without you knowing." Sabo added to the conversation, now calmer than before.

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean!?" Luffy yelled

"Hey guys, did you know that if you share a cup of sake you become brothers!? Let's make a promise right here and now. No matter where we go, how far we are or whatever happens; nothing will separate our bond." Ace told the group, opening a bottle of sake- that seemed to appear out of thin air- along with some cups.

"Then, what about me? What will I be?" The girl asked Ace

"You will be our cute little sister!" Sabo told her, putting his hand on her head and messing her hair. 

"Why do I have to be the youngest sibling!? I am more mature than Luffy!!" (Y/n) yelled at the blond boy.

"What do you mean by that!?" Luffy responded

"It's just the way it is! But don't worry, even if you become a marine, we will come help you no matter what." Ace told the girl, opening the bottle of sake and starting to fill the cups.

"Yeah! That's just what older brothers do!" Sabo added to the conversation, taking one cup of the sake. 

The rest of of the group took their own cup in their hand. Then they lifted their cups and sealed their promise for the rest of their lives.

"Blegh!! This is awful! Why did I even join!" The small girl yelled, trying to spit out the taste of the alcohol.

After a while, the group decided to head back to Dadan's shack before the night fall. The walk back to the shack was a peaceful one. The oldest two were having a conversation of their own, the youngest male was trying to join in the conversation and the young girl was just walking ahead of them. She was humming a simple song. A weird one.

"All I wanna do~
Is see you turn into
A giant woman~

A giant woman~"

Not knowing of the effects that she was causing on the boys behind her. The three boys had stopped in their tracks and started to climb on top of each other. After all the boys were stacked one on top of the other, all three of them screamed.

"I am a giant woman!"

This caused (Y/n) to stop on her tracks. She turned around to see her friends- now brothers- acting strange.

"What are you doing?"



Not me skipping both college and work to make sure you all could have this chapter.

To be honest, I almost forgot where I was taking this story, but I am back. I will probably be skipping more work hours to end this.

Also, I feel like I am starting to accidentally cut short the chapters, so I keep trying to keep them long.

Honestly, I am still surprised that people read this and I will try to give this book a proper ending.

Take care everyone!


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