Chapter 13: Would You Like Some Cake?

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"C'mon Leo, live a little. Feel what it's like to be on the dark side for once." Coming from behind, Karai ran her fingers across the lip of his shell, down his taut shoulders, "I promise you, it can be quite... liberating." She whispered against his neck, her voice rolling off her lips with seductive secrecy.

Leo's breath caught. She was close. This may have been the closest she'd ever come to him, other than when she was pressing a knife to his neck. Was she flirting with him? Bah, why did he have to be so bad at this kind of thing? Maybe he could ask you when he got ba-

He froze.

No, he couldn't ask you. Not while things were the way they were. And now he wasn't sure he'd ever get the chance since you absconded to Raph's room.

...What were you doing with him right now? Maybe you were curled up in his arms, seeking comfort, while Raph wiped the tears away from your face. Tears that Leo was responsible for.

He shouldn't have let you go. Not without having talked to you.

"Enough." He murmured.

"What was that?" Karai purred as she continued to brush her fingers across his skin.

"I said, enough!" Turning, he pushed her hand away. Karai's face twisted in bewilderment, and he immediately regretted his sudden outburst.

She jerked her hand back, offense clouding her porcelain features.

"Sorry, I-" His eyes dropped to the ground as he took a step back. Shaking his head he murmured, "I can't do this right now." Karai or not, he couldn't stand to be there a moment longer. Not when he should be back home making amends with you over his selfish behavior. 

Before she could get another word in, he scaled the building walls and disappeared into the night.

"H-Hey! Wait!" Karai reached for his retreating figure, but he was gone. Her hands clenched in frustration.

What the hell?


Leo's feet flew across the city rooftops, each passing second was time wasted being apart from you. Reaching the lair, he immediately stormed Raph's room, flinging the door wide open.

Raph sat up from his bench and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure, just come on in. Make yourself at home, why dontcha?"

She wasn't here. Why wasn't she here?

Raph huffed, "Ya know, you gotta lotta nerve showing up in here, especially after I just spent-" Leo didn't wait for him to finish that sentence before slamming the door on his face.

Mikey. Maybe she was with Mikey.

His mind was focused, he had to find you. Had to make things right.

Mikey was on the couch, two slices of double-stacked pizzas in his hands. The seat next to him - empty. The youngest looked at Leo with shock, cheese dripping from his too-full mouth as he asked, "Back alweady, bwo?! I thought you juft lef- Hey! Weo? Where you goin', man?!"

Leo ran towards Donnie's lab. She had to be there, where else could she be?!

The young scientist was found bent over his table, working on another tech project he'd conjured up. But no (Y/n). Leo was beginning to panic. Did she leave the lair?! What if the Foot got her?! It wasn't safe for her to be roaming around topside yet!

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