Chapter 14: Friends Help Friends

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The tightness in your chest remained, even after Leo moved away towards the table.

You turned, hoping to hide the glow of your cheeks by busying yourself with cutting a slice of cake, "I wasn't expecting you back so early. N-not that I mind or anything!" You tucked a strand behind your ear nervously, ignoring how the flour in your hair sprinkled across your shoulder. "Did something happen?"

Leo stiffened.

"Oh! Well, I...uh..."

When he didn't continue, you glanced over your shoulder, unsure why his face seemed to scrunch in frustration.

He wrestled with his thoughts. What could he say? His desire to come to some form of reconciliation with you had been so great that he even cut his conversation with Karai shor-


He sprang out of his seat, the swift motion causing the chair to fall backward, making you jump.

Oh my gosh, Karai!! His heart dropped as he groaned into his hands, "Oh no. No, no, no! What've I done!? This is bad! This is really, really bad! She's never going to talk to me again!!"

"...Who?" It wasn't really a question, you already had an idea of who he was referring to.

Leo raked his hands over his smooth head, grimacing as her name left his lips, "Karai."

Your face flinched. Yeah, I kinda figured...

He rested his hands on the table and let out a heavy, defeated sigh, "Awe man (Y/n), I messed up. Big time. I can't believe I blew her off like that." He shook his head, "I've never done that before."

Your mouth felt dry, and the plate in your hand suddenly seemed too heavy to hold. You gripped the edge of the dish tightly. What was your problem? This was precisely what you promised to help him with.

I've done this a million times with friends at school, this is no different. Just another case of a friend helping a friend. End of story. Move on.

Still, something uncomfortable continued to gnaw at the pit of your stomach. Taking a deep breath, you shook your head and put on your best supportive face. This was no time to be self-focused, there was a love-struck turtle who needed your help.

Resting your hand over one of his, you smiled as he looked over at you, distress plainly written across his handsome features. Ugh, my heart! Don't look at me that way! It's making this so much harder!

You took in a steady breath, "Leo, listen, it's going to be ok."

He stood, pulling his hand from beneath yours and pacing the room, "You don't know that. After what I said... or rather, did... even I wouldn't forgive me."

You watched as Leo's thoughts seemed to spin out of control. Each second allowing him more time to mount an endless pile of shame upon his conscience. Stepping in front of him, you took hold of his face, "Leo, look at me." His eyes swam, unfocused, and worried. "Tell me what happened."

The roles were suddenly reversed, he realized. Now he was in a position of not wanting to reveal everything to you. If he did, he'd have to explain how the thought of you curled up in Raph's arms made him want to explode. Which he did, but that rage was, unfortunately, aimed at Karai.

He fidgeted uncomfortably.

You didn't understand what he was having so much trouble explaining. Was his conversation with Karai really that bad? He seemed so... tense.

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