"Nate, Dave and the Cave"

Start from the beginning

Nathan's knocks are drowned out by the sound of my own crying. I don't even know when i doze off but i know that by the time i do, the sun is rising.

I jump up, startled by glass shattering. My heart paces as i look around, registering everything that happened last night was real.

I glance at the clock, its half past 11 am. Meaning nathan was already back home.

Wait... then who's in the house?

I throw the covers off my tired body, carefully making my way into the hallway and out to the living room. My eyes scan the place to find no one, i turn to the kitchen "who's there?!" I yell, earning a high pitched yelp.

"Jesus fuck woman! You gave me a heart attack, its me! Gen!" She turns to look at me, her blue eyes wide with shock. My eyes scan her from head to toe, taking in her simple blue t-shirt and skinny jeans. "What're you doing in my house?" She scoffs "good morning to you too. Nathan asked me to come stay with you" I scoff, walking further into the kitchen.

"Of course..." I mumble bitterly, pulling the fridge door open and grabbing a bottle of chocolate milk, unscrewing it and sipping it as i kick the door shut and walk to sit at the island.

Gen stands on the other side, leaning her elbows on it and looking at me. "He's been through hell anna..." i roll my eyes "well so have i, gen. Or are we going to ignore the fact that  jason is on the loose because of my wonderful boyfriends wonderful father" I stare at a spot on the counter, sipping my milk.

Then the thought crosses my mind "and he's my fathers best friend! Gen- what if dad's business is in trouble-" i rush to my feet, looking around frantically for my phone. Gen walks around the counter, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them. "Get a hold of yourself and relax, your dad is safe. Mr. O'Connor doesn't hold any shares in the company because your dad knows." I frown "know's... what?"

She sighs "about that poor kid that lost his life while he was in the car with nathan" I frown "how do you know that story?"

She smiles sadly "everyone knows that story anna.."

And then it dawns on me. Its like a whole building of bricks falls on me, crushing me by the second.

There was no boy.
There was no accident due to falling down the stairs.

Nathan knows about the scar, he never even doubted me when i mentioned it at the beach yesterday. Because he knows the truth.

He knows why i don't remember him.
There was no best friend who died in the accident because that best friend never died.

"Anna?" Gen's voice sounds far off as i put the pieces together. I push her arms off "you- you know the truth..." She looks confused. I shake my head "don't you dare lie to me gen" She continues to play dumb.

"The boy in the car crash... wasn't a boy, it was me" I stare at her in shock. Even she looks shocked.

"You remember?!" I shake my head "no. I don't, but that would be the only possible explanation as to why you're all treating me like a ticking time-bomb" She sighs "i'm sorry. I truly am, we weren't allowed to tell you- the doctor said it may be too dangerous to, it could put a huge amount of stress on your brain and you could've died from it" She says sadly, pulling me into a hug. "We didn't want to lose our best friend..." I sigh, not knowing how to digest all this information considering i was still blank on 80% of what happened.

I hug her back, not knowing what else to do.

"I'm making breakfast, and i'll be here till nathan gets back.. okay?" I nod, stalking off to the living room. I lay on the couch, staring at the blank TV screen as multiple emotions and events flash through my head.

We're Just Friends [BOOK 1 Of The 'We're Just' Trilogy]]Where stories live. Discover now