Start from the beginning

When I toppled slightly, I felt a hand on my elbow as Jin helped to guide me. We slowly walked down the corridor and I couldn't help but notice the old-fashioned architecture.

"Where are we?" I asked, baffled as I looked at the ancient renaissance paintings displayed on the wall.

"In an old country house just outside of Seoul. We'll be moving in a couple of days." I didn't dare ask if 'we'll' included me.

Just as we reached a new hallway, a shout was called from behind me. A boy sidled up beside me and Jin, and sent me a startling smile. "You're awake! I knew you were." I realised that this was the voice I'd heard as I had woken up. "I'm Jung Hoseok."

He held out an eager hand and I tentatively shook it. "I'm Hayeon."

He grinned gleefully. "Are you going to get food? Jimin and Tae are in the dining room, I could introduce her to them while the food is cooking?" He directed this towards Jin who reluctantly nodded.

"Make sure you eat something, I don't want you collapsing on me again," Jin sent me a stern but motherly look and I nodded obediently. With one last pat on Hoseok's shoulder, he disappeared down the hallway. It was then, as I watched him walk away, that I realised how slow the two of us had been walking.

I pursued my lips in determination as I attempted to saunter forwards but, much to my annoyance, I ended up in the same position as before and had to lean on Hoseok's shoulder. "I'm sorry about this," I cringed, feeling him falter under my weight.

"Oh don't worry," he laughed joyously. "Without you, we wouldn't have Jungkook with us. Most of the boys love you already."

I felt my heart warm slightly but I couldn't tell if this boy was over exaggerating. He did seem to see life through rose tinted glasses.

This house seemed incredibly large and we travelled for another 5 minutes before we reached the fore mentioned dinning room. When we arrived, Hoseok pushed open the door and waved at the two boys sat on a long, mahogany table. I guessed that this was Jimin and the boy who had saved me aka, Taehyung.

The boys had been playing a game of chess when we walked in but, when they saw us enter, they quickly paused the game and rushed forward.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you," the smaller of the boys said, also taking my hand up into a handshake. "I'm Jimin and this is Taehyung."

Jimin was relatively short but it just enhanced his cute, almost innocent look. His light-brown hair flopped freely over his forehead and his eyes creased as he sent me a swoon-worthy smile. The other boy, Taehyung, had a more serious look with his angular face and his sharp jaw alongside a pair of a dark eyes. They were definitely the type of eyes that looked as though they were staring straight into your soul. However, much to my surprise, the boy's personality severely contrasted with his looks.

I was even more surprised when he came barrelling towards me and wrapped me in a hug. I stood in shock but managed to awkwardly pat him on the back.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I must admit I didn't think much about you, especially when you didn't turn up at the location in the message, but Jungkook refused to leave without you so I had to go and find you and I saw you through the flames and I was like 'HEY! That's Hayeon' so I swooped you up and reunited you with Jungkook and then Jin healed you and ta-da! Here you are!" He babbled on but I could only focus on one thing he said.

"What message?"

Taehyung's voice wavered as he shot Jimin a frightening look. "Didn't- did you not get a message? A text?"

I shook my head, distinctly remembering the disheartened feeling when I thought that they had betrayed me.

Jimin sucked in a breath beside me and rubbed his palm into his head. "Where is Min Yoongi?" He almost growled, his rage seeming to flow off him in waves.

Hoseok piped up. "He's next door. Shall I get him?"

From the furious look on Jimin's face, Hoseok didn't need an answer and skittered away quickly to retrieve the boy.

"What's going on?" I asked, turning towards Taehyung who appeared a lot less threatening than Jimin who looked as though he was going to start breathing fire any second.

"Yoongi was supposed to send you a message to meet me and Jungkook and, evidently, he didn't." Taehyung gulped as Jimin snarled next to him. He leaned over and whispered into my ear. "The only person who can put Yoongi into his place is Jimin which, by the way, he has to do a lot."

The door swung open and Hoseok shuffled back into the room, a boy standing by his side. If I had made his mistake, I would have appeared remorseful or sheepish but this boy appeared to ooze self confidence. This only seemed to infuriate Jimin more.

He stepped forward and angrily hit the boy in the shoulder. "You idiot! Why did you do that?"

Yoongi shrugged, a nonchalant look gracing his face. He obviously knew exactly what Jimin was talking about. In fact, I couldn't help but feel as though he looked slightly smug. Jungkook's endless description of Min Yoongi flashed before my eyes; he had told me many times that the boy did whatever he pleased and, at this moment in time, this seemed to be very true.

"I'm telling Namjoon that you screwed up the plan not once but twice!" He threatened, wagging a finger at the slack faced boy before him. "Apologise to Hayeon."

It was only then when he seemed to realise that I was standing in the room, slightly hidden behind Taehyung's taller frame. His upper lip curled as he scrutinised me from head to toe.

"Are you having fun here?" He asked, his face still relatively void of emotion. He certainly wasn't easy to read.

I stuttered as I pondered my answer. I'd only been awake for a couple on minutes but I wouldn't say that I was having a bad time. The boys had been lovely and welcoming despite not knowing me. "Umm...yes- I guess?"

His eyes rolled as he sent me a tight-lipped grin. "Don't get used to it, you'll be leaving soon."

He looked around at the others in the room: Hoseok had sheepishly scooted into the corner of the room, Taehyung had slipped closer to me and Jimin faced down the older boy, his chest puffed out and his gaze challenging.

"What the hell Min Yoongi! Stop being an asshole."

I felt as though Jimin was going to pounce on Yoongi and pummel him into the ground but, instead, he stood his ground.

Yoongi moved back towards the door. "Whatever. I'm going to check on Jungkook, unlike like any of you." He turned and gave everyone, especially me, a fiery stare before he stormed out the door letting it slam behind him and making the noise reverberate around the sudden silence in the room.

Taehyung awkwardly patted my shoulder.
"Well that went well."

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