Read to me, Moony | Wolfstar

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"Mooonyyy!" Sirius whined, trying to get his favourite werewolf's attention.

"Moony!" he repeated, poking the boy on the couch with his finger.

Finally, Remus lifted his gaze from his book.

"What?" he stated, giving an annoyed look at his friend on the floor.

"I'm tired!" Sirius complained. Remus moved his gaze back to the book.

"Then go to sleep."

Sirius let out a noise of protest. "I don't wanna go alone!"

Remus sighed. "I need to study. Go to find Prongs or Wormy."

"Noooo..." Sirius moaned. The brunette didn't say anything.

But then Sirius' face lit up. He stood up from his place on the floor, and threw himself on the studying werewolf.

"Agh! Padfoot, what are you doing?!" Remus gasped, as Sirius nuzzled his head at his jumper.

"Sleeping," the black haired boy answered, closing his eyes and smiling happily. Remus sighed.

"Get off. I'm trying to read."

Sirius didn't move. And Remus didn't do anything to make him move.

"Fine..." he finally sighed, moving back to his book, letting Sirius lay on his lap.

A minute passed, until Sirius spoke: "Read to me, Moony."

"What?" Remus asked, looking down at the boy on his stomach.

"Read to me," Sirius repeated, and gave puppy eyes at Remus. Remus sighed.

"This is a potions book. You hate potions."

"Yeah, but I love your voice," Sirius said, closing his eyes again. Remus blushed slightly.

"What if you accidentally learn something?" he asked, mockingly.

"I can take that risk."

Remus chuckled, placed the book on Sirius' side and began to read.

After a while, Remus stopped. The boy on his lap was snuffling softly, soundly asleep. Remus smiled at the adorable sight in front of him.

Slowly, he leaned in, and placed a quick kiss on the other boy's forehead.

"You're so cute..." Remus whispered, put the book on a table and wrapped his arms around the slightly shorter boy, closing his own eyes as well.

At the Gryffindor portrait, the two other Marauders awed.

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