Victor snapped out of thoughts when he heard a loud thud near him. His eyes opened wide when he saw his partner Pokémon lying unconscious on the ground with the little body of Luxio standing behind it. He ran down to his Rillaboom immediately and kneeled down next to it, stroking its head affectionately.

"You did amazing buddy, thank you!" he said as he put Rillaboom back in its pokeball.

He stood back up and could see his sister standing with her arms wide open with Luxio jumping towards her. Victor shook his head and stared at his sister and the Pokémon for a little bit. Something seemed off, but he couldn't seem to get a grasp about what was wrong. Luxio jumped into Gloria's arms. The brunette girl cuddled the Pokémon with both arms, saying words of encouragement towards it. She walked towards Victor and smiled from ear to ear.

"That battle was amazing! I can't believe how strong Luxio is already!" Her eyes were sparkling with pride.

Victor looked away. He stretched out his arm and started to scratch the back of his head awkwardly. "You should watch out with how close you'll get with this Pokémon." He carefully said, not wanting to hurt his sister.

"Why's that?"

"You know... It already belongs to a trainer. Also, I'm getting a really odd feeling from everything that's been happening lately, ya know?"

Gloria put Luxio back down on the ground while her brother was talking to her. She waved her hand at him for a very short time.

"I'm sure it'll be fine! I'm the new great champion after all!" She responded, still smiling from ear to ear.

"Still I think you should be more cautious, Gloria. Don't forget you have a stalker who could even be watching us right now!"

Gloria's smile faded away instantly. She put her hands behind her back and turned away from her brother. Her brown hair was waving elegantly in the wind. Victor didn't want to start a fight with his sister, but he couldn't help but feel she was too lax about everything that's been happening around her. Although Gloria was stronger physically and in battle, he still felt the need to protect his sister. Gloria slightly turned her head his way. Her eyes were emitting a strange aura he never saw before, as if her usually brown colored eyes were shining red!

"We will be perfectly fine on our own." She said in a cool voice.

Victor took a step back. We? What was she talking about? He stared at his sister with big worried eyes and reached out his hand to her. His sister closed her eyes shut tightly and looked back in front of her. Victor grabbed her shoulder to turn her back around. Gloria looked at him with tired eyes. She rubbed her forehead and looked into his eyes.

"I'm not feeling well..." She muttered softly.

Victor grabbed both of her arms tightly and stood a little bit closer to her. His eyes were filled with worry. He opened up his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by a sudden rumble from the sky. The twins both looked up. The sunny sky had dissappeared and was replaced by dark clouds. They could see the rain falling a few miles from where they were. The twins looked at each other with alarm and glanced around to find a place nearby where they could find shelter. Out of nowhere, a flash of lightning exploded into the ground in front of them. The explosion caused Victor to fall on his butt. His ears were ringing from the loud bang and dust was covering his eyes.

"Luxio? Luxio!"

He could hear his sister yell. Her voice was getting more distant. He could hear her running away, she was probably following her Pokémon who ran away out of fear maybe? Victor shook the dust out of his eyes and turned around. Gloria was nowhere to be seen! His heart was starting to beat loudly. His job was not to let Gloria alone so she would be safe from her stalker! He had to find her as soon as possible! She couldn't be that far, right? In the distance he spotted a hill that wasn't too tall, but it was high enough to get a better look of the area around him! Without hesitation he ran forwards, as fast as he could!


The ground started to shake underneath Gloria's feet. She instinctively jumped aside and covered her head. She glanced towards her Luxio, who started to run away! Gloria reached out her hand to her Pokémon.

"Luxio?" She softly shouted.

The Pokémon didn't respond. He just kept running off into the distance. The brown haired girl bit her lip and started to chase the Pokémon.

"Luxio!" She called out one more time.

Luxio turned its head around for a second. It let out a small roar before picking up its pace again. Gloria started to take a sprint, she took a big leap and caught Luxio with both of her hands, holding him tight so he wouldn't escape. The Pokémon kept struggling to free itself, but the champion was stronger.

"Luxio please, calm down!" She begged with a soothing voice.

It worked. Luxio stiffened up and turned its head towards the young girl. Gloria let go of the Pokémon. Luxio jumped up immediately and pointed towards a nearby cave with its tail. Gloria tilted her head and stood back up again, dusting off her dress with her hands.

"Ah, a place for shelter! Let's go! I'll call Victor once we're there!" She cheerfully said.

The Pokémon and trainer started running towards the cave side by side. Gloria suddenly grasped for her head once she took a step inside. A strange sting started to appear in her head. She had this once before, but when did she...

"Gloria!" She turned her head when she heard two familiar voices call out her name.

It were Victor and Hop! Gloria wanted to put up hair hand in the air to wave at her brother and best friend, to let them know she had found a shelter for the rain! But she was interrupted by Zamazenta escaping from it's pokeball. The Pokémon jumped in front of the girl and started to push her backwards as hard as he could.

"Oi, Zamazenta?" She asked her Pokémon in confusion.

Gloria looked outside one more time and locked eyes with the two boys. The moment she took a step back the ground started to shake. A loud bang was heard from the entrance. She could hear Zacian howling above the sound of the boulders falling down. Zamazenta howled back and turned into it's crowned shield form. Rocks were falling all aroumd her, everything turned black for Gloria.


Victor was standing atop of the hill now, the pouring rain made it harder to breathe for him, but he glanced around anyways. Not a single trace of his twin sister. The brown haired boy slammed his knee as hard as a could. I had one job! He angrily thought to himself. With gritted teeth the boy looked around one more time. His eye widened up wide when he saw Hop standing underneath a wide tree to shelter from the pouring rain. With a flash of hope he started to yell his friends name. If there was anyone who could find her it would be him! He and Gloria shared a special connection after all! Hop didn't respond to Victor calling him out.

"HOP!" Victor loudly yelled again with both of his hands raised up high in the air to gain his attention.

The purple haired boy stuck his hand in the air too to wave at him. He was seen! The two friends sprinted towards each other in the pouring rain. Out of breath Victor came to a halt. Hop's cheerful face turned pale when he saw the look in Victor's eyes. The brown haired boy swallowed and looked away for a few seconds.

"G... Gloria ran off somewhere!" He loudly stuttered.

He tried his best to make his voice as loud as possible to be heard over the loud sound of the pouring rain. Hop frowned and grabbed his best friends hand to comfort him, squeezing it a little bit. With determined eyes he pointed towards a nearby cave. Victor turned around and saw his sister running in. The two boys glanced at each other with shining eyes before sprinting towards it as fast as they could!

"Gloria!" They both shouted at the same time.

Gloria turned around. The moment their eyes locked the ground started to shake. Zacian set itself free from it's pokeball. The legendary Pokémon stood beside Hop and started to howl loudly along with Gloria's Zamazenta. Another loud explosion happened at the entrance of the cave!

"Watch out!" Victor shouted at his sister while sprinting forwards in order to save her.

But he was too late. The entrance started to fall apart. Gloria had already dissappeared behind the falling boulders.

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