"I called you about a knife?"

"Ah yes. That one. Follow me." He walked weirdly as we followed him. Maybe he needed a cane?

Getting into the glass case he took it out. It was a smaller blade but still Why would Dean need a knife?

"It's brand new. Just taken out of the box when you called and that's it."

Dean examined it. "It's perfect."

"Well great. I'll be back then." He left and out of the corner of my eye I seen a man with a gun, but the gun had slipped.

The shot.

The ringing in my ears.

Deans scream.

The gun shot went into Dean and he immediately fell.

"DEAN!" I fell down pulling him towards myself. Holding him close and putting pressure on the wound. His eyes wide as he sees the crison pouring out of the bullet wound. He grips my shirt as it stains his own.

"S-sam." He coughed out, "Ca-Cas."

I started to cry "Cas isn't here Dean." I felt tears run down my cheeks at this point. I heard people running in.

"T-tell him I-I love h-him." That was it. He grew limp and I cried out even more.

It all was gone as I heard Heat of the Moment start playing again. And I jolted up.

"Sam! Are you okay? You were crying?" Hannah. It was Hannah. I grabbed her and hugged her tight not letting go. The song still playing

"Where is Dean?" I got out burring my nose into her neck and holding her tight.

"I'm right here Sam." I looked up and realized we were at Deans house.

Standing up I pulled him into a hug.

"Woah there. That must have been one hell of a nightmare."

"It was. It's over though. That's the important part." I pulled away and looked to them. Hannah pulled me down and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"There. There you go Sammy." I smiled and kissed her lips. Holding her hips gently.

"Okay enough chick flick moments. Let's go eat." Dean blurted as she pulled away from the kiss. I internally frowned, but went along.

I put my boots on and left along with Hannah, Dean and Cas. Cas has been quiet. Staying with Dean like normal.

I got in the back of the impala with Hannah. Kissing her cheek and rubbing her stomach.

She just smiled and leaned into me.

We pulled into a dinner and went in. Sitting at a booth. Our waitress named Jane came and took our orders. After wards we just sat and talked.

I held onto Hannah's hand and rubbed her knuckles. Still shaken up from the dream. That was all it was right? It had to be. It couldn't be real. I mean he's right here in front of me laughing with Cas. 

But It felt so real. I look to my left at the tv. The news playing the same as I saw yesterday? I go down to where it says the date and Tuesday it reads in sall print. Yesterday was Tuesday, but today is Tuesday too?

Hannah pulled me out of my train of thought when she nudged my shoulder. "Sam. Eat. Your foods getting cold." She pointed too it. The waitress must have put it down while I was thinking.

"Oh uh yea." I picked up my fork and started eating. Not feeling hungry though.

We didn't stay long. Just eating and leaving. As we were walking out A girl had started to check Dean out. You could tell Cas was not liking that. He reached out for Deans hand.

Dean interlocked his fingers with Cas' and looked to him happily.

Hannah was walking a little ways in front of me. She turned around and looked to me walking backwards.

I smiled and watched her. Laughing and making funny faces.

She makes me so happy. My beautiful wife. I don't know what I would do without her. She brightens my day so much. Just waking up next to her makes me so happy. Going to sleep with her in my arms or even just next to her.

I smiled and laughed along with her. We were all laughing.

Who knew laughter could get cut off so fast.

Everything stopped as she stepped out on the road and didn't notice the car. It hit her fast. She flung up in the air.

I stood frozen as she fell. The car didn't stop.

"HANNAH!" I screamed running over to her.

Pulling her in top my lap I cried. No. This has to be a dream. "Baby please, keep your eyes open for me." 


"I'm right here. I'm right here honey. I'm not going to leave you."

She was losing her breathe. I looked up and seen Cas with his phone to his ear crying and Dean kneeling next to me.

"Hannah. It's okay. Just stay awake."

"I-I can't," a cough stopped paused her sentence. "S-sam." She grabbed onto my sleeve tighter. "I love you."

I cried even more. Tears streaming down my face. "I love you too Hannah." I leaned down and gently kissed her lips.

As I did so I felt her last breath. Leaning back up I seen her blank stare into my eyes. Closing my eyes I cried.

Once again when I opened them I heard Heat of the Moment playing.

Not again.

Ehehe. I had to add a little bit of trauma to Sammy. He'll be okay just have to add the flavor

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1375 words

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