3 ♔ Tea of Three

Start from the beginning

Diana's focus remained on the Queen, who seemed to approve her prudish clothing and outdated hairstyle. It was a current trend in the capital for noblewomen to let their hair down and decorate with small flowers. Diana tied her black hair into a bun with nothing but the sun's reflection as her accessory. As the Alcottas live in an island territory and their dilapidated mansion facing the beach, her skin was tanned compared to the women in the capital.

She loves her appearance, but for the moment, her confidence will be a downfall. Diana curtsied, purposely wobbled like a newborn horse with an awkward angle of her body. With a stutter, she introduced herself and added, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y-Your Royal Highness."

The Alcotta Isles was only a few days away by ship from the capital. But its accent, heavily emphasized on 'r' would sound outlandish, to a point where people laugh, precisely what she was aiming for.

Queen Claudette wanted a helpless girl, with a territory so poor and far off that had no influence in the high society.

Diana Alcotta must be that girl.

But the queen who already knew of these things was calm and granted her a smile that seemed too genuine, Diana could almost believe. "You are beautiful and graceful as your portrait. Sadly His Royal Highness Augustus cannot meet you. He's currently occupied with his duties." She then added condolences about her brother.

They did not hide the fact that Xander killed Michael, glossed over with self-defense, but what they twisted was the reason behind it.

"He was killed while attacking Diana after she refused to help get money from the royal family." That was what Xander suggested, and Diana had the same line of thought.

It was uncertain if the queen accepted the lie. And even if she didn't, it was hard to tell.

She invited them to the two empty seats of four. But Xander declined to attend a short meeting with an official, about the subjugation of the rumored pirates that terrorize the traders.

Xander hesitated to leave. One could say that he was reluctant to be parted with his fiance, but it was more than that. She assured him with a close-lipped smile and a whisper, "It will be fine."

Only then, he agreed. He shifted to the other women in the garden for a farewell. "Your Highness, Lady Hearth, thank you for giving my fiance company."

The queen answered, "Of course, she will be family soon. Right, Therese?"

Lady Therese Hearth forced a meek "...Of course."

Only then Xander left. With him gone, Diana felt like the air was thicker. The servants, a little farther away seemed like they didn't exist at all. All that mattered for her was how Therese forced a smile and asked typical questions–mostly differences in living in Alcotta and the capital.

"I'm glad you get along well. I was worried that Alexander would oppose. He seemed to be not interested in marriage, so I had to force him." The queen herself poured tea. "When I saw the portraits of the candidates, you stood out the most. I felt like you're a warm person. Xander seldom smiles, you'd make him less gloomy."

For a queen who must put the benefit of the kingdom in all choices, choosing her based on gut and emotional speculation was outrageous. The nobles submit their portraits to the royal family once every two years for documentation and financial reports. To save money, the Alcottas paint themselves. In the end, Diana painted her own portrait facing the mirror, and Michael's based on memory. Being a novice and with subpar quality paint, their paintings were bound for ruin. The queen, who was looking for the poorest of nobles, found the best candidate.

With the queen's scheme, Diana was at the bottom to be chosen. "I'm honored, Your Majesty."

The other nodded, then formally introduced Therese on her left as the crown prince's fiancee. The latter managed to keep her emotions and ever so gently greeted Diana.

"Since you two will be in-laws in the future, Therese dear, would you please help Diana be familiar with the capital? I want her stay to be as comfortable as possible for my Xander's sake."

It was such a cruel request. The queen had a gentle smile, but upon a closer look, her eyes curved and glinted into a manipulator's.

Anyone can recognize Therese's real feelings. The fact that she and Xander got along since childhood, people thought the same. Therese curtained her sadness with her long lashes and obeyed. "I would gladly do so, Your Royal Highness."

To fall in love with a childhood friend but then was betrothed to his brother, and now, she was forced to help her true love's fiance a league far lower than her; Therese Hearth was pitiful. Diana, who watched her sorrow, was thankful.

The lady is the perfect heroine.

Diana smiled back at her, more genuinely than she thought. More than herself, Therese and Xander belong together. The two must sit side by side on the throne.

She will make it come true. "Thank you."

"Would you like some tea?" The other lady asked.

For a moment, she was caught off guard by her heavenly beauty, and then answered, ''Yes, please."


Update schedule: Sunday and Wednesday.

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Ellena Odde ❤

Sincerely,Ellena Odde ❤

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