Chapter Eight: Caught

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He burst into the room and you turned around quickly.
"Y-your supposed to be in bed" you shudder. He puts his hands on his hips.
"Oh really? Why? Why" he asked and you stayed silent in fear. "So that you can do this!?" His voice started getting louder.
"Well it wouldn't be such a big deal if you weren't cheating..AGAIN" you regret saying that instantly once his hand slapped your face. You hold your cheek as tears fall.
"See!? I wouldn't have to be the bad guy if you'd just not so what you know would get you in trouble!!" He was full on yelling now.
"Y-you're a bad nut" you say half joking half serious. But it was true, sure he owned the squirrels but that doesn't mean he's automatically a good nut. Willy pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Knows not the time for jokes-"
"But yet it's true" you wince as you realize you accidently cut him off.
"That's it I'm tired of this"he says and yolks you up by your arm. You automatically start screaming and pulling back as he drags you to the front door.
"Willy please I'm sorry!!" You cry. He paused right in front of the door. "Please" you whine as he holding your hand pretty tight, seeming to be examining it, or the ring on your ring finger. He dropped your arm making you fall back a little. "We can still go to the fireworks." You suggest, trying to get the scary tention off your shoulders.
"Right" is all he said.
"Baby I know you don't wanna do this.." you climbed up and pulled him close to you then kissed him but stopped when you remember what was on that computer. You sigh. "So you really still love her huh.." you say and he was silent. "Why can't you just love me." You sniffle. Even you felt his heart drop.
"Baby I do love you. You're just not going to believe me and if you do you'll think less of me."
"Poppycock" you copy him.
"Audrey, she owns a gun and whenever she comes over.. she brings it and I can't keep her out because we had sex before and she said she was gonna file me for r*pe if I don't. She's got me trapped y/n I really don't love her I hate her!" His eyes watered and you pulled him close
"Don't worry were gonna get rid of her baby." But yet you had a brilliant idea that you just sent to an oompaloompa. All you had to do was wait. Willy looked at the floor but then back at you with lust.
"Baby.." he whined.
"Not now I'm not in the mood-" he stopped you by pulling you in, you really didn't mind though. His strong arms wrapped around your torso as he began kissing you. "Willy.." you moan and he grins then lifts you up bridal style and takes you into his bedroom. You can only guess what happens next.

When you where both cleaned up it was about time for the fire works so you both head outside, waiting for the lomosene to pull up. When it did you and Willy sat in the back seat. It was about an hour long ride there so you lean your head on his shoulder then fall asleep on him.

"Baby baby.." he shakes your shoulder, waking you up.
"Mmm." You groan.
"We're here!" He says excitedly. You jolt up and fireworks just begin. Willy rolls down the sunroof and you both sit of the roof watching the beautiful colors burst into the sky then dim down into nothing. Willy put his arm around you and you lean on each other, hands intertwined. You pull him tighter.
"I'm gonna make sure you're okay" you reassure him and he shakes his head.
"I feel like I'm such a horrible husband," he rants as tears fill your eyes making the colors blurry.
"Nono it's okay" you sniffle as the grand finale happens and a burst of color fills the sky then it sizzles into nothingness. You turn his face to yours and you kiss his soft lips. You then hold his cheek. "I'm never gonna leave you, ever Willy." You promised although you didn't think he'd stay with you. At least he's happy and that's all that matters. You both get driven home.

As you walk into the factory you get a notification from the oompaloompa. 'its ready' the text says. You look at Willy who was now taking off his coat.
"What" he looks up at you as he drops the coat to the floor.
"How bout we invite Audrey over for dinner?" You smirk as his smile fades because he didn't know what was happening. "trust me you won't regret it, you want to get rid of her right?" You ask. He shrugs.
"I- I guess" he says and whips out his phone as he dials her number. "Hello?... Hi audrey.. yeah I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me and y/n- as an apology..what.. no she isn't a phsyco watch your mouth... uh-huh.. yeah.. okay bye.." he hangs up. "She's on her way."
"Lovely! I'll have an oompaloompa greet her at the door let's go sit down at the table." You say and you both head to the dining room table. He pulls your chair out for you then he sits right next to you this time, leaving Audrey to sit across from us. Which she is now in the room, she's wearing a red Lacey dress and black heels, you wore the matching dress that Willy gave you. She sits down as our plates are served. You thank the oompaloompa by nodding at them and they leave the room.
"I appreciate you having me here Willy." Audrey said as she snarled at you.
"Actually it was y/-" you kick him a little hard under the table. "-It was my pleasure" he fixes. You mouth sorry to him as you poke at your food.
"And you.." she points at you with her fork. "I'm waiting for my apology. You could've broke my beautiful face!" She smirks at Willy. And I'll do it again you thought to yourself.
"Yeah about that, I'm terribly sorry I did that, after all, you where only trying to come inside to see Willy." You lied and you glance under the table to see her rubbing her foot on Willy's thigh. You looked at Willy but he was trying to stay focused on the food, an akward frown on his face as well.
"Mm.. well you aren't forgiven I hope you.. understand." She said as she picked up her cup of wine and sipped on it and her face cringed making Willy try to hold in a laugh.
"What's wrong? Mascato too strong for you?" You snicker and take a sip from yours with no problem. You heard her belly rumble from under her and you saw her retract get legs from Willy's. She then held her stomach with her hands. Willy held a finger in the air.
"I-i don't mean to be that person but I can see your either going to throw up or... Yeah...and the smell would.. um ruin my chocolate.. do you have to go outside.." he poked his food.
"There's no restroom outside" she said as her face turned red from embarrassment.
"I can show you one." You said and got up then put a hand on her shoulder. You lift your dress and you pull out the gun you saved from the side of your underwear. Her face turned white as you held it to her forehead. "Your going to leave my husband the fuck alone before I have to blow your God-damned brains out you hear?" She nodded and you pulled the trigger, revealing it was just a squirt gun. Water rolled down her face as she laughed histarically. "There's a porter potty across the street from the factory.. now shoo before I get my real gun." You said as she got up from her chair and then ran out the door. You spin the toy gun around your finger and look back up at Willy. "I don't break my promises, love." You say as you start cleaning the table, you could tell Willy thought it was hot and you knew what was happening tonight.
After you cleaned up you both headed to the bedroom, there was a package.
"Ou" Willy said exitedly. "My led lights are here!" He laughs childishly and you watch him lovingly, like a mother. He picks up the box and pulls them out and immediatly sets them up upon his bed board. He flickered them on and he turns to you grinning ear to ear.
"They're cute hun" you say as Willy switches the color to red, it matched his room very well.
"Come here baby" he says as he takes off his shirt. You pull down your underwear and walk over to him. He shakes his head. "Take it all off this time." He says and you lift the dress up over your head then take off your bra, Willy was naked too by the time you finished. He stared at you then pushed you on the bed and climbed on top of you. Your pale bodies rubbing against each other. Your faces crash together and your tounges swirl in each other's mouth. He finally put his member in and slowly starts pumping. You moan. Man, have you missed this, it had to be at least 5 inches but it felt like 2 more when it got hard which is fantastic for a white man in his thirty's. Yeah Willy Wonka is 33. You both climax on each other and decide to sleep naked. You drifted to sleep slowly in his arms.

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