Chapter Five: Factory opening 2.0

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This chapter is kinda sloppy so I'm only keeping it because it has good dialogue

You and Willy search up some bad children with spy's helping out too and finally set up rooms they would be perfect for them and finally set out the golden tickets. You and Willy just have to wait at this point.

"Willy?" You ask while walking down the hall.
"Yes love?" He turned smiling at you.
"Do you think I can help you tour? I can wear a matching dress and everything!" You say and Willy actually liked the idea
"I think that's a brilliant idea" he said opening his bedroom door. You both crash for the night.

You wake up and text an oompaloompa your ideas for the dress and Willy gets up next to you.
"Y/n, the oompaloompas want us to check the chocolate river too see if it's clean." He says closing his phone up. You nod and get up get dressed and Willy follows sand you head to the small door. Willy unlocks it and you both gasp. There was shredded paper everywhere on the floor you both groan as an oompaloompa hands you both a yeah bag then you both pick up the trash. You start picking up at the edge of the river while Willy isn't too far. You pause for a moment to take a short break and Willy stops.
"You're going to help I don't want to hear you complaining" he said
"I was talking a break chill the fuck out phsyco!" You regret the last part instantly and he looks up at you with more anger.
"Phsyco? Really y/n?" He starts yelling and you stand up as he does. "Well since I'm so phsyco I'd do this right.." he yells and pushed you into the river. You go under than stand up because you knew how to swim.
"REALLY WILLY?!" you scream and he jumps in next to you. "Your such a-" he grabs you by your neck and holds you under. You kick and scream but he won't stop your able to get a small grasp of air to scream. The taste of warm chocolate fills your mouth. You reach the surface finally "Willy stop-" you say but he pushed you under then let finally got up. You gasp and crawl out the river with him and cry. he picks you up by your neck and brings his mouth to your ear.
"Go take a shower, put on your dress, do your makeup, hair and you wait there because the other kids found the last ticket so we are starting today." He says and throws you to the floor. You look and him in disbelief. "GO" he tell as you scramble to your feet and run out the room, so the way to his. You do everything here said and now that you where clean you could see the dress. It was black like the underneath of Willy's suit and had a mini red velvet coat like Willy's that didn't go past your waist. You get ready then sit on his bed. The door finally opens, it's Willy. He still looks mad. He cleans up then puts on his outfit. He takes out a red velvet headband and hands it to you.
"Put it on" he says and you listen. "We have to go outside now, our guests are waiting-." His phone rang. "Not coming?? Why?" His voice was angry "because of what happened last time!? How would they know i-" he glares at you.

"This is all YOUR fault" he said and lifted a fist. You quickly ran down the hall. "Y/N DON'T YOU RUN FROM ME" he yelled and chased you down, boy was he fast, he caught with you and tackeled you to the floor.
"Willy please don't hurt me I'm sorry" you cried and he put his hand down. "Why are you crying? You deserve this making me have to ship out more tickets so people can laugh at me?!" He says and you both stand up. "Well?!?" His face was full of anger but you put your hand on his cheek.
"Willy i-"
You cry.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!?"he shouts. You sob and he pulls your hand off of him.
"I'm not attending your pitty party y/n" he looked focused, sad, and still mad.
"It's not a-"
"I don't want to hear it, go" he said and looked away.
"G-go where" you feared.
"Leave my factory" he said and even though you cried and screamed after he said that he still didn't respond he just picked you up and threw you outside like a dog.

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