Chapter 4: Goodnight Princess

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So... How has everyone been? I don't know if anyone still keeps up to date with this book but I totally forgot all about it and only realised that I had this when I tried logging in to @Cr15pyCh1ckenTender5 which is my actual account (self promo). I have a draco fanfic up on there but I will continue with this book also if it doesn't prove a nuisance. I've been going back through the chapters and updating the spelling mistakes and changing it to my writing style. Any ways I'm rambling. I had to re-read the whole 3 chapters again but I'm ready to write a fourth. Here ya go! 😁


Anti's P.O.V

I head to Darks room and knock once then twice. I walk inside seeing him sat at his desk, 2 monitors hung on the wall on front of him. Mark's set up. I raise one eyebrow before sitting on the edge of the bed out of range from the camera.


Dark smile cheerfully into the camera before turning it off and groaning. He turns to me and clasps his hands together.

"And you are here because?"

Dark glares at me as he asks his question. I shift slightly as he penetrates my soul. Well what's left of it any ways.

"Can we keep her?"

I whine and give Dark puppy eyes. He rolls his eyes and spins back around to his desk before running a hand through his hair.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I leave my room after 5 minutes without Anti's presence. I look both ways before closing the door behind me. I head down the hall reminding myself to stick to the more public areas of the house. I steer away from a rather dark hallway and I learn the whereabouts of the living room, kitchen, all three bathrooms and each of the demons rooms. I make my way back to my room to find a wooden (Y/n) nailed to the front of it. I blush slightly before heading back to the living room. I sit on the sofa and pick up a controller. I select C.O.D from the home screen and launch myself head first into a game. I'm getting better at aiming as I feel a cold breathe crawl against the back of my neck. I jump and the controller goes flying towards the tv screen.


I cover my mouth with my hand quickly as i turn to see a grinning Anti behind where I was sat on the sofa. I stare up into his eyes noticing the one is the same ocean blue as Sean's (or Jack's idc which name you refer to him 🤷‍♀️😂). The other eye still has the baby blue but instead of white the iris is surrounded with a sickly neon green. I find it slightly attracted as the two colours clash in a good way. Anti looks away first as I notice a slight blush tinge his cheeks. I blush beet red and I chew the inside of my lip. I look down at the cushions decorating the sofa as I know I had begun to stare for too long.

"We're having Chinese, what do you want?"

I look up at him confused on how composed he is despite the last actions we shared.


I try to think back to what is usually sold in Chinese restaurants. Back home I was usually made to cook so we didn't have a lot of takeaways.

"Chicken noodles and egg fried rice?"

I quietly question and he nods and walks towards a phone in the corner. He punches the buttons and holds the phone up to his ear as he mutters an order and address down the line. A cheerful voice replies with which I only assume to be the time of when it gets here. I lie back on the sofa and I close my eyes softly clasping my hands over my stomach. The light shifts slightly as I feel someone watching me. I open an eye and look up at Anti as he stares at me, a light smile plays on his lips as he hasn't realised one of my eyes are open. I shift slightly and closes my eye again.

"Take a picture it lasts longer"

(☝🏼Literally everyone in a Wattpad story)

I open my eyes to see him blush and I smile at the cute grumbling mess of a demon in front of me. Did I just call him cute?.... Yes 😈 I called Antisepticeye cute.

How am I not dead? We stare at each other until Anti makes the first move. His hands go to my sides and his fingers brush up and down as he tickles me. I scream and laugh as I twist my body. He falls on top of me but he doesn't take his hands away from my sides.

"No, Anti STOP"

I shout at him as I try to get him off me. In the distance a door slams and the sounds echo through the house before getting lost in the sounds of mine and Anti's laughs. He takes his hands away from my sides and pulls me onto his lap. I take in a deep breath grateful that he's stopped. I rest my head on his shoulder. My breath grazes his neck and he shivers softly but I still feel it. I wrap my arms around his torso as his snake around my waist. I smile softly as we sit for a while. Soon footsteps can be heard before they stop right behind me. I turn my head and look up at Dark as he looks down at me and Anti. Anger flares in his eyes as his fists curl and relax before curling up again. I gulp slightly and he shifts his gaze to me before going back to Anti.

"Are we supposed to be behaving this way around the girl?"

Anti shakes his head slowly and I feel him reluctantly push me off his lap. He pries my hands away from him as he shifts to the side putting space between us. The doorbell rings and Anti looks up.

"That'll be the door Anti"

Anti nods and gets up before walking to the door. He opens it and takes the food but before the delivery guy can protest about Anti not paying he goes white and mutters apologies before scurrying back to his car. My head tilts to the side. What was that about out? Anti turns to me and taps the side of his nose before smirking. I hear the clink of plates against the countertops as Anti places our food onto each plate. He comes in with two plates in hand and another trailing behind him floating on top of a green mist. He hands me a plate and cutlery before sitting next to me and digging in. Dark sits in the armchair opposite and starts to eat. I try to hide myself slightly as I get extremely uncomfortable about eating in public. Dark raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. Soon we have all finished and we stay downstairs and talk way into the night. I fell asleep around 1am. As I drift to sleep I feel a pair of arms lift me up bridle style. I'm tucked into my warm sheets and as the light turns off I hear a small whisper.

"Goodnight Princess"


Holy shiznips how long has it been? Idk if anyone is still reading this but if you are did you like this chapter? Anti and (Y/n) are getting closer but is Mr. Darkipoo getting jealous? I think he is!!!

*Gets punched in the face by an angry Darkiplier*

Shut the fuck up

Well then I guess that concludes the end of the chapter...

Buh-bye! 🖐🏼

Hello (Y/n) (Antisepticeye x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum