|Chapter 20 ~ Ambassador|

Start from the beginning

I listened intently as Gandila spoke. The female explained that certain Lesphares were anointed the role of guardian and were responsible for their region's health and prosperity. Faîzal Gaîllot of the Sandrîanî had the role of guardian for the longest out of the five and was closely followed by Falkrîs Lîgnîgon of the Nîxîa. The other three guardians Delta Montarac of the Ophînîa people, Julîus Fourshîre of the Mountaî and Elys Fernîa of the Vîtîatî were - in terms of Lespharian -"new" to their positions. I was stunned when I heard that. It came as a great surprise that Julîus - whom I had already met seemingly months ago - was a guardian himself.

"Although young, the three of them are quiet capable." Gandila commented, her eyes brightening with admiration as she spoke. I kept listening, hoping the information would somehow stay contained in my mind.

The summit was held in Angelus' most secured part of his home and when we eventually arrived, I first unabashedly gaped at the area we were in. The expanse much resembled that of a study. It was situated in the middle of five great windows that overlooked four completely different seasons, the fifth however, a window to absolute darkness.

The floor of the study looked like the inside of a tree trunk, rings of age circling outwards to the edges of the pecan expanse. Each unglazed window was delicately framed by brown columns, shapes and gorgeous drawings imprinted on the wood.

The most wondrous part of the room however, were the six beings seated on dark cherry coloured chairs in a semi-circular shape. The very space hummed with energy and some other sensation that left every fibre in my body tingling with an unknown force. The room was so thick with the unfamiliar energy it seemed to press down on me from all sides, compressing every little air pocket in my body.

Gandila seemed perfectly at peace with the very strange aura that the room gave off and guided me towards a seat - the only one still vacant I noticed - next to one of the six beings I recognized immediately.


I couldn't contain my surprise when the dirty blonde haired Lesphares winked at me, his grey eyes feline in the light of the seasonal gateways. After I somehow managed to calm myself, I inspected the rest of the assembled party members. I was amazed by how differently clothed each Lesphares was to the other. Every Lesphares represented a different region of Nova Terra's natural landscape flawlessly, their eyes and hair befitting to their element as if they were made out of nature themselves.

Angelus was the only who stood out amongst his brethren, his dark armour and taut red eyes an immediate contrast to the environmental characters around him. The latter acknowledged me once before speaking. His voice deep, perfectly fitting to the cryptic atmosphere in the study.

"Now that we have all finally congregated, I would like to thank each of you for coming, even when there is so much to be done."

Although freezing snowflakes swirled in a rough wind outside one gateway, the room was a comfortable mild temperature. I on the other hand felt like I had trouble breathing. There wasn't quite enough air to fill my lungs in order for me to formulate clear thoughts. It was simply terrifying being in the same room as so many other powerful creatures.

Beings that probably wanted me dead for merely existing. 

As if on cue, a rough voice - almost like that of sandpaper - interrupted whatever Angelus was to say next.

"Why is a cursed Alium attending this summit, Angelus?"

I bit my lip and glanced nervously at the owner of the harsh voice. A mature Lesphares with dark hair and cold, sand coloured eyes glared at me. Although he didn't show any signs of age, slight creases ran across his sun-kissed skin - the sole implication of his maturity. He was clothed in a red tunic as well as a golden shawl, the cloth draped over his head only to reveal a slip of black hair. The tunic was adjourned with various golden ornaments and leather cords, even some kind of animal tooth was fastened around the Lesphares' neck amongst the many others.

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