How Do I Trust You?

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"Jotaro. I think we should stay here for a while. Just to be safe. They will most probably be guarding the exit. So we don't get out"

"Shall we try finding a library?. It should help in exploring your magic powers and abilities. Also there is a possibility Iota is not under the effect of Dio's Stranxx."

"Then i will have to just kill her"

"Lets go bud"

"By the way,what was the conversation of bringing out parents from the dead"

"Well,Dio's ability was mind control. He tricked me into thinking that he would bring them back from the dead. I know i haven't talked much about them,but i think it is time."


"Have you heard the names 'Jonathan' and 'Erina'?"

"The two spies who saved the world from extinction and died while doing so?"

"Yes. They were in fact our parents. They kept their identity hidden from us. So we wouldn't be in danger. They were killed in  a car crash is what they told you,right?"


"Well they were killed by Dio. We have a history together. He had his Stranxx back in the day and he erased your memories. However i knew of his plans. He knew that in our parents will,we were the future owners of the company 'Speedwagon foundation'."

"The hospital?"


"But how is he related to our family"

"He was our fathers best friend. They both did everything together."

"Then why is he set on killing us"

"Money. It changes people. You and i both know that"

Hiro sensed someone walk in on them. Hiro ducked behind a wall and heard the butlers voice from earlier

Sebastian:"Hiro,hold on. I will save you,even if i die in doing so"

Hiro: "the hell?"  

Hiro glanced over to Jotaro and saw that he was flabbergasted. A tear flowed down his eyes

Hiro sneaked a look towards Sebastian and saw him picking up a blade. He brought it towards his wrist and slashed it five times on his arm.

Sebastian: "If only you knew how much i hate working for that despicable man."

Sebastian suddenly ran by the hall where Hiro was hiding and saw him heading down to the stairs where Hiro fell.

Hiro: "We have to follow him"

Jotaro: "He is alive"

Hiro saw Jotaro crying and that was another level of weird.

Jotaro: "Hiro,that is our father"

Hiro looked towards him and saw the resemblance between him and his father. He ran towards with Jotaro in close pursuit.

Sebastian reached down to the room and saw the blood of Hiro.
"I was too late. Too late. I couldn't protect my wife. I couldn't protect my sons. I am too worthless to be here" He broke down.

"D..Dad. I am here"

Sebastian turned around suddenly and saw Hiro and Jotaro.

"And now i get hallucinations. Life just loves to treat me good"

"We are here. And we are real, dad"

Sebastian raised a hand and slowly swiped his hand over Hiro and Jotaro's face. He brought them in for a hug

Hiro pushed him away,and inquired him. "How can we trust you".

"I know i messed up not caring for you,and i deeply regret it. I am sorry. But looking at you now,seeing how big my tiny Lion has grown...i would saw you turned out all right"

Hiro froze at the mention of the nickname 'Lion'. It had been all too long since he last heard that. His father was still alive.

"Father...Why did you leave me"

"My Stranxx foresees the future. I saw a vision that if i were to stay with you,you would be in danger"

Jotaro: "You had a Stranxx as well?"

"I did. But i never knew the power of Dio's Stranxx. Or should i say...Dio has unlocked the final form."

"H..How is that possible?!?!"

"The final form is activated by one being stabbed one of the seven rocks that form at the bottom of this valley. Only people with potential can bear the burden of the final form."

Hiro: "Then where is your Stranxx?"

"It was stolen by Dio."

"How is the even possible"

"The final form uses magic. Dio is basically the strongest creature on the earth right now."

"Then teach me magic"

"Hiro you don't understand you need a final form to even begin the basics"

Hiro extended his wings and presented to his father

"Then lets begin on the basics"

"Oh deary me,goodness gracious you unlocked it. You can defeat him."

"What are we waiting for,dad?" Hiro asked.

"Ah yes indeed,lets go"

(Insert montage of extreme training and reading and practicing magic. I am far too lazy. Way too lazy for it to be good)


Three months had passed since Hiro began to learn magic. He was stronger than any of the creatures alive. His power rivaled the power of gods and devils himself. During this time his senses of smell,sight and taste. He was set against Dio

Sebastian had been providing cover for both his sons. But he saw that Dio was still alive,he did a bit of investigating. He purposely dropped bits of broken glass under Dio's feet. And each time,Dio would call over Iota to heal him. The final form uses lot of stamina,even if it was something as small as a cut. The power uses half of brain power.


Hiro was sneaking out once more. He passed by a door that seemed to be leading to a dungeon. He over heard this. The voice belonged to....Jotaro

"Hiro should be passing by any time now. All you have to do is pretend to be captured. I will end him here."

Hiro thought to himself "who is he talking about"

He then heard a reply. This time from Iota

"I know that is simple. But i worry that you will be discovered by Sebastian."

"That old man can die in a ditch for all i care. All i want his Hiro to be killed. Anyways,if he does find out,he will not be able to do anything. It is us three versus them two"

"That is oddly positive coming from you. But yes,you are right. Hiro and Sebastian will be fighting You,me and Dio-sama."

Was Hiro hearing right. Did his brother actually betray him. Was the previous confrontation an act? Hiro knew he had to act fast. Sebastian wasn't safe. "Well,this is Deja vu" he thought

He turned back and sprinted towards the room where the crew were staying. As soon he reached there,he saw Sebastian covered with blood and in front  of him stood Dio

Dio: "Hello There,Hiro"




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