The Betrayal

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The next day, Jotaro was set on finding Iota,but he needed to tell Hiro something. He needed to tell him about the final form

"Hey,good morning, Jotaro." Hiro said behind him.

"Ah perfect,you are awake. Listen Hiro,we need to have a talk"

This,as Hiro knew,was the worst possible conversation starter
"Sure? Is something wrong?"

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'final form' ?"

"Not exactly......mind elaborating on that"

" basically You have seen my Stranxx, haven't you"


"The final form is basically a merged physical object with the raw power of a Stranxx. In history, no matter how far you look back, No one has ever discovered what it looks like. All we know that its dangerous. And deadly. If the wrong person gets the power...destruction of the world uses no more energy than a blink of an eye. You are a strong one,and yet you were knocked out by his Stranxx,whatever its name was. I think he may have unlocked the final form or atleast know about it."

"So you are saying we have no chance of survival"

"We do... Its just basically slim to none. Count on the bright side. Hope for the best,prepare for the worst. Speaking of which,we are yet to see your Stranxx"

"How do you know i even have one"

"I feel it. The aura around you isn't exactly comfortable, you know."

"And i wondered why i had no friends" Hiro said,face palming himself mentally

"Now,lets head out to find Iota,shall we"

"Ah yes. Lets go"

Hiro and Jotaro headed out the find a lead on where she could be. Jotaro summoned his Titan while explaining "My Stranxx has an eyesight better than the world's finest binoculars."

This made Hiro want his Stranxx even more. Jotaro lifted his fists suddenly and stopped dead in his tracks. Jotaro pointed beyond a hedge and Hiro saw an abandoned shack that looked like it would fall any passing second at the slightest of touching.

"Think we should head in there?" Asked Jotaro

"I don't know. Looks kind of dangerous to me. Still.." Hiro clenched his fists "..We have to find Iota".

"Then lets head in,shall we?"

"Tell me more about the final form"


"It is kind of fascinating"

"I feel you. The one thing i forgot to mention earlier was that they have the ability to use magic and spells"

"I see"

"Those are basically all the known facts. I will be studying on it more later on"

Hiro found it weird but didn't give it much thought "Sure. Now lets head in. By the way will we be needing weapons?"

"I don't really think so,but just to be safe. Yes,we will"

"Then where are they"

"Someone is impatient." Jotaro said while smirking

"Gracious you need a brain. Sometimes i wonder why i put up with you".

"You don't hold back,do you now?"

"Nope" said Hiro,popping the 'p'. "I do not"

"Good grief. Lets head in"

"By the way,you said you will be doing more research. What will be the test subject"

"Don't give it much thought. I have my ways."

Hiro was not exactly surprised since his brother hadn't always bothered giving him answers he needed. But this time it was kind of weird. And yet again,he pushed it to the back of his mind

They headed in, and saw some sort of an elevator. It did not blend in with the rest of the shabby shack. Not one bit.

"Is it safe" asked Hiro

"Most probably, No. Still on the bright side, it looks kind of cool"

The duo headed in,and saw a luscious chair at the end of a slim bridge. On it sat who Hiro thought was Dio. Hiro and Jotaro proceeded onwards

"Hiro and Jotaro. Glad to see you've made it. I was knocked out last time. But this time,i am prepared."


"Safe and sound. You needn't yell"

"You're right as hell i do not need to scream. Since i will kill you"

"Feisty. You would have made a good ally like your brother over here"

"Bastard. Your lies won't work on me. He and I, both come with the ambition of sending you to hell"

"How about you tell him yourself,Jotaro."

"I am sorry,Hiro" said Jotaro

"Hey bro. I know you like jokes,but this is seriously not the time" Hiro said to Jotaro,giving him a side glance

Hiro turned to Dio and suddenly he was falling. Jotaro had pushed him off. Hiro put two and two together and realized. His brother betrayed him. He didn't let out a scream. He saw his brothers eyes and saw no regret.

(Jotaro's POV)

Hiro and i proceeded to Dio. If only He knew. If only i had a choice. I knew now that i held no position for forgiveness. I knew Hiro held the potential to defeat Dio. Yet i betrayed him. I broke his trust. If only he knew what went down the day he was attacked by Dio's Sheer heart attack.


I heard a thud and suddenly turned around. I saw a silhouette of a man and a creature laying down on the floor resembling Hiro himself. Or maybe it was Hiro. Jotaro called out Titan and scouted the area. There he saw him. Dio. Jotaro immediately went over and prepared for a fight. He had the first punch

"Hpmh" groaned Dio. "Jotaro,didn't expect you here"

"Why are you here. And where is Iota"

"Tell me,Jotaro. How does it feel"

"I asked you something,asshole"

"How does it feel to be the weaker one. The shadow of Hiro. Even tho you were his bigger brother. You always relied on Hiro. You were not known as Jotaro. You were known as Hiro's older brother. How does it feel"

"STOP YOU BASTARD" Jotaro went in for another punch but was blocked by what seemed to be Dio's Stranxx. It was a humanoid figure in the shape of a cat.

"How would you like it all to be changed. Be known as Jotaro,the great. Not Hiro the greats older brother. Tell me,Jotaro"

My greed won me over. I knew it was wrong. I knew i shouldn't do it

"I'll bring back your parents"

This snapped me back to life

"Surprise surprise,they are dead"

"My Stranxx holds the shape of a dead cat. It controls the dead. I can bring back the dead. Do we have a deal"

I fell for it again. I proved to myself i was weak. I never should have fallen. I made the biggest mistake of life


I let him go. I made a point. I was weak. I was not worthy.


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