Jungkook made breakfast with all his heart and might. He waited patiently for Jimin to come down after the shower but he never came and on top of that he was getting late for work.

Jungkook made his way upstairs to call Jimin himself, "Jimin, why aren't you coming down for breakfast?"
Jimin just turned his face towards other side as if he never heard what Jungkook asked.

"Jiminiee come on~ Forgive me, I'm sorry. I even made your favorite breakfast to make it upto you"
"Jungkook I'm not hungry and I said don't talk to me" Jimin said while taking a magazine and sat on his bed indirectly telling Jungkook to go away he's mad because Jungkook has fucked up big time.

Jungkook heaved a long defeated sigh.
He changed into his formal outfit for work. Jungkook came to bid a goodbye to Jimin but the latter just nodded, not saying anything.

Sometime after Jungkook went to his work place, Jimin climbed downstairs making his way to the kitchen to see his favorite breakfast— delicious pancakes.

No matter how angry Jimin is, he can't say no to Jungkook's food. Sure he refused to eat when Jungkook called him but now that Jungkook wasn't here, he was going to eat everything without leaving a single bite.

Just as he expected, the breakfast was very delicious. His lips left a moan of satisfaction with every bite. Within minutes, he finished his breakfast.

The whole day Jimin was sulking, knowing that Jungkook forgot about the importance of this day.

How can that asshead forget about this. It's our first freaking anniversary for heaven's sake! he thought

He didn't even see Jiwoon out of his room today at all. Jimin wasn't even sure if Jiwoon was inside his room in the first place. For some reason he felt good for not seeing Jiwoon. Like come on, he's kinda creepy no matter what Jungkook says. Even if it's his habit to joke around, it is still creepy.

But at the end, he's still in this house to give Jimin a company. He got to know from Jungkook that Jiwoon came here for a vacation but instead of going out and enjoying, he's stuck with him here. Jimin was really greatful to him for that.... even if he's a bit creepy..

His sulking saga continued till around 5 in the evening. Jimin's beauty nap was interrupted by a phone call.

Jimin lazily got up and took his phone from the nightstand. He didn't bother to look who it was as he was too lazy and his eyes were still half closed.

"Hello?" his voice sounded hoarse. A sob was heard before the person on the other side spoke up, "Chim!" he continued crying.
Jimin recognized the person's voice, "Tae?! What happened? Why are you crying?" Jimin asked, now fully awake. Taehyung didn't say anything but just continued sobbing.

Jimin immediately got out of the bed, alarmed, "Tae say something! What is wrong?"
Taehyung took his own time to calm himself down and said, "Chim.. He.. He broke up with me" Taehyung burst out crying again
"What? Who broke up with you?" Jimin was confused.
"My boyfriend duh" he cried out more.

This just made Jimin more confused, "You had a boyfriend? Why did I never know about this?"
Taehyung paused for a second and sniffled, "Uh.. I got one when I went out for shooting" he sniffled more
"But why didn't you tell me Tae?"
"Chim that's not the point!" he let out another sob and continued, "The point here is, I'm really very sad. I need some good amount of food and ice-cream but I'm too sad to go alone so I- *sniffles* -need my best friend to come with me"

"Okay I'll be there. Where are you?" Jimin asked.
"I'm outside your house" Taehyung answered. Jimin frowned upon hearing it, but he just shrugged and made his way downstairs immediately to open the door for Taehyung.

Twists Of Our Life [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now