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Terry: Say yes to drugs, say no to drugs, doesn't matter what you say to drugs. Because if you're talking to drugs, you're definitely taking them.


Terry: Make sure you don't eat fish after drinking lots of water, because then the fish will go blub blub blub in your belly.

Travis: I'm not 5, Dad.

Travis: and that only works with a whole fish, you dummy.


Aaron: In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?

Aphmau: Hey Garroth, how tall are you?


Garroth: Okay, codenames. I am eagle one.

Garroth: Laurence, you are- been there done that.

Garroth: Blaze, you are- currently doing that.

Garroth: Gene, you are- happened once in a dream.

Garroth: Kim, you are- if I had to pick a girl.

Garroth: Aphmau, you are- I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it.

Garroth: Aaron, you are- eagle two.

Aaron: Oh thank Irene.


Melissa: What If I'm not even gay?

Melissa: What If I'm faking my gayness?

Melissa: What If I'm not even interested in girl-

Lucinda: *walks by*

Melissa: Never mind.

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